#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub XFORM { # Extract the sort key from $_[0] and return it. # This will often be written in-line # rather than as a real subroutine. return sprintf("%012.0f", ip2val($_[0])); } my ($addstr,$value,@addstrary,@addvalary,@sorted,$DEBUG); { no warnings 'numeric'; if($ARGV[0] > 0) { $DEBUG = shift @ARGV; } else { $DEBUG = 0; } } while (<>) { s/(^\s+)//; #remove indentation s/\s+[\n\r]+//g; #remove all eol spaces/tabs & ctrl chars if(/^$/) { next; } #ignore blank lines if(/^#/) { next; } #ignore comments ($addstr) = Extract_IP_Address($_); if($addstr ne '') { #Use this to check the XFORM routine #printf "%15.15s %s\n",$addstr,XFORM($addstr); push @addstrary, $addstr; } } if($DEBUG == 0) { @sorted= @addstrary[ map { unpack "N", substr($_,-4) } sort map { XFORM($addstrary[$_]) . pack "N", $_ } 0..$#addstrary ]; } else { #split up Tye's GRT sort above into separate pieces my (@arytosort, @sorted_stuff, @index_info); @arytosort = map { XFORM($addstrary[$_]) . pack "N", $_ } 0..$#addstrary; @sorted_stuff = sort @arytosort; @index_info = map { unpack "N", substr($_,-4) } @sorted_stuff; @sorted = @addstrary[@index_info]; } foreach my $str (@sorted) { print "$str\n"; } #---- Misc. IP address routines ---- ########################################### # convert 4 byte integer value to an IP address ########################################### sub val2ip { my ($a,$b,$c,$d)=unpack("CCCC",pack("N",$_[0])); return "$a.$b.$c.$d"; } ########################################### # convert IP address to a 4 byte integer value ########################################### sub ip2val { if ( $_[0]=~ /([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/o ){ return (unpack("N",pack("CCCC",$1,$2,$3,$4)) ); } else { return 0; } } ##################################################################### # Find the first dotted ip address in any string, puts it in $1, # and put the individual octets in $2, $3, $4 & $5. Figure out the # long integer representation of that address, and Return everything # in a list. # # NOTE: it doesn't check to make sure each octet is between 0-254, # nor if the numbers between the dots are 1 to 3 characters in length. # # Example: given "the IP address of www.xxx.com is" # return the list ('',206,24,105,142,3457706382) ##################################################################### sub Extract_IP_Address { if ( $_[0]=~ /(([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+))/o ){ return ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5, unpack("N",pack("CCCC",$2,$3,$4,$5)) ); } else { return (); } }