#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; sub p { # I've replaced the literal newlines with \012 so that it will fit on one line $_ = "\c];\a\012 \3SE\$\5!.\f)\012 Ut4)\aHI#\5\f%)\012 "; # Delete all spaces and newlines. tr/ \n//d; # The g & m modifiers mean global & multi-line. # This regex matches against $_ (the default). # Match any character 1 or more times but minimally (non-greedy), followed by a # zero-width positive look-ahead assertion for a digit or an end of line. # This stores two strings in @_. There is a 4 in $_ so $_[0] will contain the # string up to but not including the 4 and the rest of the string will go into # $_[1] (as there are no newlines in $_, the end of the string matches $). @_ = /.+?(?=\d|$)/gm; # Set $FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE ($=) to 0 (same as the default value of $|). $= = $|; # Transliterate all characters from " to / into \f through space. # That is chr(34) - chr(47) and chr(12) - chr(32). tr,"-/,\f- ,; # Set $SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR ($;) to $_ $; = $_; # y{;E!\a4.;@\012 \0-z} ^\012 nb^d; # Wowza! Where to begin? # The d modifier means delete found but unreplaced characters # I start by remove the newlines (\012) and equal number of spaces from both sides. # If multiple transliterations are given for a character, only the first one is used. # So that leaves this, which changes ; to <, E to /, ! to *, \a to :, 4 to > and deletes the rest, # leaving ':' in $_ tr{;E!\a4.@\0-z}{ nb}d; # map { s/\W # //xg; } @_; # The x modifier allows whitespace and comments in the regex. # This removes all non-"word" characters from @_ map { s/\W//g; } @_; # Add the characters produced to @_ @_= map { chr( # ($= = @{[/ ./gx ]}) # Set $FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE to the size of the anon array of matches. ($= = @{[/./g]}) ? # If there are matches, then true else false. # If true, do the math, return only $- ( $- = ++$= ** 3, $% += $-,)[0] : # If false, divide $% by 2. # This occurs for the third value passed into map (namely a null string). $% / 2 )}@_,q++; # Pass map (@_,''); # First pass, $= is 5, $- is 125, $% is 125 and 125 is passed to chr # Second pass, $= is 4, $- is 64, $% is 189 and 64 is passed to chr # Third pass, $= is 0, $% is 189 and 94.5 is passed to chr # @_ is now qw( } @ ^ ) map { # s[(.) ]~@_=map{$_^$',$_^$+}@_~ex; # The e modifier means evaluate the right side of the expression. s!(.)! # match and capture one character # $+ is $LAST_PAREN_MATCH (first character of $_) # $' is $POSTMATCH (second character of $_) # Process each element in @_ # Pass the results of the bitwise XORs back into @_ @_ = map { $_ ^ $', $_ ^ $+;} @_ !e; # End of s/// }/../g; # globally match for two characters # First pass, $_ is '<:', ends with @_ containing # qw(G A z | d b) # Second pass, $_ is '/*', ends with @_ containing # qw(m h k n P U V S N K H M) # Third pass, $_ is '>:', ends with @_ containing # qw(W S R V Q U T P j n o k l h i m t p q u r v w s) # ${;}=~s{.}%map{$_^= ${&}}@_;$\.=shift();%ges; # The ges modifiers mean global, evaluate, treat as single line. $; =~ s!.! # Process $SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR, match each character. map { $_ ^= $& # Bitwise XOR each element of @_ with the last successful match. } @_; $\ .= shift(); # Append first element of @_ to $\, this is also the value that the matched character becomes. !ges; # End of s/// # At this point $; is a big string containing # 'JJuJusJustJust Just aJust anJu...Just another Perl hackeJust another Perl hacker' # $POSTMATCH will be set to '' # $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR ($\) will be set to 'Just another Perl hacker' $\ .= $/; # Append a newline (default value of $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR ($/)) to $\ print $'; # Print the null in $' followed by "Just another Perl hacker\n" that is in $\ } p # Start the fun!