#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; # # http://www.dwoptimize.com/2007/05/data-type-validation-using-regular.html # jag.singh@dwoptimize.com # Version 0.2 # feedback incorporated from http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=617692 # my $syntax = "> > Syntax: $0 > > This program: > > 1. Reads specification file that defines the data file layout: > 1.1. attribute name > 1.2. attribute data type using regular expressions > (http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2000/11/begperl3.html) > 1.3. default data value > > 2. Validates input data file for data type > > 3. Creates output data file, with bad attribute data values that do not match > specifiction replaced by the default values > > 4. Creates a log file describing data validation errors > > 5. Aborts data validation process, if total number of errors reach max_errors > > Terminating... "; # my ($spec_file, $data_in_file, $data_out_file, $log_file, $max_errors) = @ARGV; die $syntax, "not all the required command line parameters are provided" unless defined $max_errors; open (log_file, ">", $log_file) or die $syntax, "cannot open ", $log_file, ". ", $!; open (spec_file, $spec_file) or die $syntax, "cannot open ", $spec_file, ". ", $!; open (data_in_file, $data_in_file) or die $syntax, "cannot open ", $data_in_file, ". ", $!; open (data_out_file, ">", $data_out_file) or die $syntax, "cannot open ", $data_out_file, ". ", $!; print log_file "Spec File> ", $spec_file, "\n", "Data In File> ", $data_in_file, "\n", "Data Out File> ", $data_out_file, "\n", "Log File> ", $log_file, "\n", "Max errors: ", $max_errors, "\n"; # my $spec_line; my @spec_one_attribute; my @spec_all_attributes; foreach $spec_line () { # Read full data file specification into memory structure from the spec file # which will be used for "lookup" during data validation later chomp ($spec_line); # remove newline @spec_one_attribute = split(/\,/, $spec_line); # the spec file is ',' delimited # @spec_one_attribute contains: attribute name, # attribute data type (regular expression), and default value push (@spec_all_attributes, [@spec_one_attribute]); # @spec_all_attributes contain the full data file specification } # my $data_in_line; my @data_in_attributes; my $line_number = 1; my $total_errors = 0; DATALINE: foreach $data_in_line () { # read data file, line by line chomp ($data_in_line); # remove newline @data_in_attributes = split (/\|/, $data_in_line); # the data file is '|' delimited if ($#data_in_attributes != $#spec_all_attributes) { # number of attributes on the data line do not match with the specification $total_errors++; print log_file "Error ", $total_errors, ". On the data line: ", $line_number, ", # attributes: ", $#data_in_attributes + 1, ", do not match # attributes in the file specification: ", $#spec_all_attributes + 1, "\n"; last DATALINE if ($total_errors >= $max_errors); next; # skip data attribute type validation } my $attribute; my $attribute_position = 0; my @data_out_attributes = (); foreach $attribute (@data_in_attributes) { if ($attribute =~ m/$spec_all_attributes[$attribute_position][1]/) { # validate data attribute type by performing # lookup for the regular expression from the spec memory structure push (@data_out_attributes, $attribute); # Correct data type, the output value is same as input value } else { push (@data_out_attributes, $spec_all_attributes[$attribute_position][2]); # Bad data type, use default provided in the spec for output value $total_errors++; print log_file "Error ", $total_errors, ". Data type error on line: ", $line_number, ", attribute: ", $attribute_position + 1, " (", $spec_all_attributes[$attribute_position][0], ")\n"; } last DATALINE if ($total_errors >= $max_errors); $attribute_position++; } print data_out_file join ("|", @data_out_attributes), "\n"; # the data out file is '|' delimited } continue { # update line number counter even if the data attribute type # validation is skipped $line_number++; } # if ($total_errors >= $max_errors) { print log_file "Max error count reached: ", $total_errors, ", process terminated\n"; } else { print log_file "Process completed with: ", $total_errors, " errors\n"; } # End