package Templar; use DBI; use Dancer2; #use Dancer2::Plugin::Ajax; use Dancer2::Plugin::Database; use Template; use HTML::Escape qw/escape_html/; use Crypt::SaltedHash; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = '0.1'; hook before => sub { if (!session('logged_in') && request->dispatch_path !~ m{^/login}) { return forward '/login', { requested_path => request->dispatch_path }; } }; #ajax '/p_details' => sub { "ajax test" }; get '/p_details' => sub { "ajax test" }; ####

Partner Details

The partner details function is still in development and is not yet ready to be used.

## function partner_details(catagory) { if (! xmlHttpObj) { init_ajax(); } if (xmlHttpObj) { var url = '/p_details';'GET', url, true); xmlHttpObj.onreadystatechange = partner_tab(catagory); xmlHttpObj.send(null); } } function partner_tab(tab) { var details = { general: "tab1", qualifier: "tab2", certificates: "tab3", contact: "tab4", notes: "tab5" }; //alert(details[tab]); // status is always 0 //alert('response status:' + xmlHttpObj.status); // xmlHttpObj.responseText is always empty //document.getElementById('folder').innerHTML = xmlHttpObj.responseText; // this updates the div as expected //document.getElementById('folder').innerHTML = "
" + details[tab] + "
"; if (xmlHttpObj.readyState == 4 && xmlHttpObj.status == 200) { // we never reach this point alert(details[tab]); document.getElementById('folder').innerHTML = xmlHttpObj.responseText; //document.getElementById('folder').innerHTML="
" + details[tab] + "
"; } }