use warnings; my @colors = qw(red green blue yellow pink purple brown); my $count = @colors; my @drop = qw(pink brown); my $num = 0; foreach $num (1..$count){ $num--; print "$count \n"; print "$num \n"; print "$colors[$num] \n"; if ($colors[$num] eq $drop[0] or $colors[$num] eq $drop[1]){ splice (@colors, $num, 1); } else { print "$colors[$num] was not dropped from the array \n"; } } print "@colors \n"; #### 7 0 red red was not dropped from the array 7 1 green green was not dropped from the array 7 2 blue blue was not dropped from the array 7 3 yellow yellow was not dropped from the array 7 4 pink 7 5 brown 7 6 Use of uninitialized value within @colors in concatenation (.) or string at C:\Users\ line 10. Use of uninitialized value in string eq at C:\Users\ line 11. Use of uninitialized value in string eq at C:\Users\ line 11. Use of uninitialized value within @colors in concatenation (.) or string at C:\Users\ line 15. was not dropped from the array red green blue yellow purple