#!/usr/bin/perl use diagnostics; use strict 'subs'; use strict 'refs'; use Socket; use IO::Handle; my $child; #filehandle to child process my $parent; #filehandle to parent process my $pid; #Process ID of child process # r e a d L i n e # This expects to read one line (\n-terminated, but the newline is chomped). # Returns the line, which will be empty if no characters are waiting to be read. sub readLine { my ($fh) = @_; my $buf = ''; my $offset = 0; my $cnt = 0; my $stat; do { $stat = sysread $fh, $buf, 4096-$offset, $offset; # die "sysread: $!\n" unless defined($stat); return '' unless defined($stat); ############ DOING WHAT YOU DOCUMENTED $offset += $stat; } while ($stat and "\n" ne substr($buf, -1)); chomp $buf; #print STDERR time%100, " #readLine returning <$buf>\n"; return $buf; } #readLine() # w r i t e L i n e # Writes a buffer to the filehandle. sub writeLine { my ($fh, $buf) = @_; my $offset = 0; my $remaining = length($buf); do { my $stat = syswrite($fh, $buf, $remaining, $offset); die "syswrite: $!\n" unless defined($stat); $remaining -= $stat; $offset += $stat; } while (0 < $remaining); } #writeLine() socketpair($child, $parent, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!"; $child->autoflush(1); $parent->autoflush(1); $child->blocking(0) or die "blocking: $!\n"; ######### CHANGED #$parent->blocking(0) or die "blocking: $!\n"; if ($pid = fork()) { #parent close $parent or die "close: $!\n"; while (1) { sleep 1; print STDOUT time%100, ": polling child\n"; if (my $line = readLine($child)) { print STDOUT time%100, ": received <$line>\n"; if ('E_O_F' eq $line) { my $stat = wait; die "wait returned $stat\n" unless $stat == $pid; print STDOUT time%100, ": child reaped, parent exiting\n"; exit 0; } } else { print STDOUT time%100, ": no input from child yet\n"; } } } else { #child die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid; close $child or die "close: $!\n"; writeLine($parent, time%100 . ": child started\n"); sleep 6; writeLine($parent, time%100 . ": child wrote again\n"); sleep 2; writeLine($parent, "E_O_F\n"); #causes termination close $parent or die "close: $!\n"; print STDOUT time%100, ": child exiting\n"; exit; }