sub test_function { my $ref = shift; # this function takes one argument, a ref to an ARRAY # Note: you could do extra manual checking of function arguments. # Not necessarily recommended: shown for educational purposes. defined($ref) or die "oops: you did not pass any arguments"; @_ and die "oops: this function takes exactly one argument"; #### use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; sub test_function { my $ref = shift; # this function takes one argument, a ref to an ARRAY # Note: you could do extra manual checking of function arguments. # Not necessarily recommended: shown for educational purposes. defined($ref) or die "oops: you did not pass any arguments"; @_ and die "oops: this function takes exactly one argument"; } say "Calling test_function with no arguments:"; eval { test_function(); }; say $@; say "Calling test_function with a single undefined argument:"; eval { test_function(undef); }; say $@; #### X:\>perl Calling test_function with no arguments: oops: you did not pass any arguments at line 10. Calling test_function with a single undefined argument: oops: you did not pass any arguments at line 10. X:\> #### use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Carp qw( croak ); sub test_function { @_==1 or croak "oops: this function takes exactly one argument"; my $ref = shift; # this function takes one argument, a ref to an ARRAY # Note: you could do extra manual checking of function arguments. # Not necessarily recommended: shown for educational purposes. defined($ref) or croak "oops: argument is not defined"; } say "Calling test_function with no arguments:"; eval { test_function(); }; say $@; say "Calling test_function with an undefined argument:"; eval { test_function(undef); }; say $@; #### X:\>perl Calling test_function with no arguments: oops: this function takes exactly one argument at line 7 main::test_function() called at line 17 eval {...} called at line 16 Calling test_function with an undefined argument: oops: argument is not defined at line 12 main::test_function(undef) called at line 23 eval {...} called at line 22 X:\>