use Crypt::SaltedHash; # Individual registers as a new user, supplying a username # and a password/passphrase in a form on a web page. # But, for illustration: my $desired_password = 'Owning 2 boats is 1 boat too many!'; my $csh = Crypt::SaltedHash->new(algorithm => 'SHA-256'); $csh->add($desired_password); my $digest = $csh->generate; # Some might prefer to call 'digest' # something like 'hash_string' instead # Then the value of $digest is stored to a file or database # along with the corresponding username (not shown). # # By the way, for the $desired_password shown, the digest that # was generated is this string: # # {SSHA256}rn8PJZd//2EsEgHTBQ0izsN2T7AJMsLRH19oLIA5unaf8OaJ # # ...but it would be very different for you, because Crypt::SaltedHash # randomizes the "salt" used in the creation of the digest. And it # would be very different for me, if this script were to be run a # second time, even though it would be processing the same 'Owning 2 # boats is 1 boat too many!' desired password. #### use Crypt::SaltedHash; my $asserted_password = ___; # Some process to retrieve the value # entered on a web form by the user, not illustrated here my $digest = ___; # Some retrieval process that looks up the earlier-stored # digest corresponding to the username, not illustrated here my $is_valid = Crypt::SaltedHash->validate( $digest, $asserted_password ); grant_account_access() if ( $is_valid );