use dbi; use warnings; use strict; ***import database credentials here usename password database host driver dbh $dbh->do("alter session set current_schema = the current schema”); my $jobs = `perl C:/`; print “first script executed”; my $jobs = `perl C:/`; print “second script executed”; my $jobs = `perl C:/`; print “third script executed”; *** code to export the final temp table to csv. #### use dbi; use warnings; use strict; ***import database credentials here usename password database host driver dbh dbh->do(“create temp table”) dbh->do(“insert into ttemp table”); *** exit the database #### use dbi; use warnings; use strict; ***import database credentials here usename password database host driver dbh dbh->do(“create second temp table”) dbh->do(“insert into second temp table”); *** exit the database #### use dbi; use warnings; use strict; ***import database credentials here usename password database host driver dbh dbh->do(“create third temp table”) dbh->do(“insert into third temp table where you join first and second”); *** exit the database