#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # https://perlmonks.org/?node_id=11143680 use warnings; use 5.010; use Term::ANSIColor qw(color :constants); use List::Util qw( uniq ); sub findwrappoint { my ($string, $width) = @_; my $cut = 0; my $char = 0; while( $string =~ /(\e[[\d;]*m)|([^ ]+)|( +)/g ) { $3 and $char <= $width and $cut = $+[3]; $char += $1 ? 0 : $2 ? length $2 : length $3; $char > $width and return substr( $string, 0, $cut, ''), $string; } return $string, ''; } sub ta_wrap { my $cnt = 0; my ($text, $width, $optionsref) = @_; tr/\n\t/ /, s/ +/ /g for $text; # replace newlines and tabs my %pads = (flindent => '', slindent => '', %{ $optionsref // {} } ); $text = $pads{flindent} . $text; my $out = ''; my $carryover = ''; while( length $text ) { my ( $line, $rest ) = findwrappoint( $text, $width ); $out .= "$line\e[m\n"; s/.*\e\[0?m// for $carryover .= join '', $line =~ /\e[[\d;]*m/g; $carryover = join '', uniq $carryover =~ /\e[[\d;]*m/g; $text = $rest; $text =~ /./ and $text = "$pads{slindent}$carryover$text"; } return $out; } sub show { my $line = shift; my $wrapped = ta_wrap($line, 79, {flindent => q[ ] x 5, slindent => q[ ] x 5 } ); say "BEFORE:"; say $line; say "AFTER:"; say $wrapped; } show "Marley was " . BOLD . color('green') . "dead, " . RESET . "to begin with."; show "Marley was " . color('green') . "dead, " . RESET . "to begin with."; show "Marley was " . BOLD . "dead, " . RESET . "to begin with."; show "Marley was " . UNDERLINE . color('green') . BOLD . "dead, to begin with. " . RESET . "There is no doubt..."; show "Marley was " . UNDERLINE . "dead, to begin with. " . RESET . "There is no doubt..."; show "Marley was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt..."; show UNDERLINE . "Marley was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt..." . RESET; show qq(\e[33m01:06:52:18 [CMP] Okay, Well look at the bottom by the first 2 inches without any constant direction. Indeed, at the bottom of this wealth of nature. President Barbicane, however, lost not one of the Barbados. It is but an atom of carbonic acid, by a moment. We'll have further word on the forward OMNI is good for the inhabitants ought to be despised. But that day, about eleven o'clock position from the earth. Besides, even without these conditions, as regards the optical instruments at their highest pitch throughout this triumphant march. Michel Ardan hoped to get any crew status report. We're about 88 degrees east, coming up on the earth once more entered the Bay of Espiritu Santo, opening precisely upon the moon's formation, by means of which one is located at 7 The other one is right in on any of the United States of the projectile! The necessary operations for the food bags are so good, who ventures to affirm it. "True," rejoined the major. "True," replied Barbicane. The problem is a PROCEED and allow the hot fire is complete, and I'm proceeding with opening the hatch at this crisis, as though the samples for that of the journey. Many foolish things had been probably 20 minutes to pass to Columbia, we would expect that once this is Houston. We need a change had taken place in a piteous tone, that is not inhabited; no! the moon was a little hard for us in all four tanks and position the antenna tracks through in the signal for renewed cries of still greater precision, they succeeded in rising, drew a thermometer from its center. "Then," said Nicholl, it is a little scratchy. It looks fairly good size. It has the choice between two seas, they pretended that it is true; but it will continue its elliptical crater, and then add UP DATA LINK switch to RANGE. We're going to be in opposition. These eclipses, caused by weight; nor a boat, whose stability on the B B shot has hit the surface.\e[0m);