Free to wrong pool 678ea0 not e228dd0 at .\common\GUI_TESTS\ line 41. #### perl -V:ivsize # ivsize='8'; perl -V:ptrsize # ptrsize='8'; perl -V:archname # archname='MSWin32-x64-multi-thread'; #### use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::LabFrame; use Clone; my $MAIN_WINDOW = MainWindow->new; $MAIN_WINDOW->minsize(400, 400); my @dataStructureClones = (); my $textBox; my $button_frame = $MAIN_WINDOW->LabFrame(-label => "Test", -relief => 'groove', -borderwidth => 2)->pack(); $button_frame->Button( -text => 'Run Crashing Operation', -command => sub { my $dataStructureThatCrashes = { NETLIST_INFO => { EXTRA_PROPERTIES => { C_SIGNAL => {}, NET => {}, }, NET_LIST => [ # omitting this call will allow the program to exceed 4GB until after it finishes the loop { NL_INDEX => 0, } ] }, }; my $lastUpdate = time(); push @dataStructureClones, $dataStructureThatCrashes; for (1 .. 5000000) { if (time() - $lastUpdate > 1) { # omitting this call will allow the program to exceed 4GB $textBox->insert("end", "Cloning hash ($_)...\n"); $MAIN_WINDOW->update(); $lastUpdate = time(); } push @dataStructureClones, Clone::clone($dataStructureThatCrashes); } } )->grid(-row => 0, -column => 0); $textBox = $MAIN_WINDOW->Scrolled( 'Text', -relief => 'groove', -background => 'light grey', -foreground => 'black', -wrap => 'char', -scrollbars => 'osoe', -width => 110, -height => 24, )->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1); MainLoop;