... print "Loaded. Generating combos...\n"; my @keys = sort keys %strings; # Now walk through the list. The best match for each string will be the # previous or next element in the list that is not from the original substring, # so for each entry, just look for the next one. See how many initial letters # match and track the best matches use MCE::Hobo; use MCE::Shared; my $sequence = MCE::Shared->sequence( { chunk_size => 1, bounds_only => 1 }, 0, $#keys - 1 ); sub walk_list { my @best_overall_match = (0); # $beg and $end have the same values when chunk_size => 1 while ( my ( $beg, $end ) = $sequence->next ) { for my $ki1 ( $beg .. $end ) { for my $ki2 (($ki1 + 1)..$#keys) { my @strings = sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @{$strings{$keys[$ki1]}}, @{$strings{$keys[$ki2]}}; my @matchdata = (0); # (length, index1-into-strings, index2-into-strings) for my $i1 (0..($#strings - 1)) { my $i2 = $i1 + 1; ++$i2 while $i2 <= $#strings and $strings[$i2][1] eq $strings[$i1][1]; next if $i2 > $#strings; my ($common) = map length, ($strings[$i1][0] ^ $strings[$i2][0]) =~ /^(\0*)/; next if $common < $minmatch; if ($common > $matchdata[0]) { @matchdata = ($common, [$i1, $i2]); } elsif ($common == $matchdata[0]) { push @matchdata, [$i1, $i2]; } } next if $matchdata[0] < $minmatch; if ($matchdata[0] > $best_overall_match[0]) { @best_overall_match = ($matchdata[0]); } if ($matchdata[0] >= $best_overall_match[0]) { push @best_overall_match, map { ["$strings[$_->[0]][1]:$strings[$_->[0]][2]", "$strings[$_->[1]][1]:$strings[$_->[1]][2]"] } @matchdata[1..$#matchdata]; } } # $ki2 } # $ki1 } return @best_overall_match; }; MCE::Hobo->create( \&walk_list ) for 1 .. 8; my @best_overall_match = (0); for my $hobo ( MCE::Hobo->list ) { my @ret = $hobo->join; if ( $ret[0] > $best_overall_match[0] ) { @best_overall_match = @ret; } elsif ( $ret[0] == $best_overall_match[0] ) { shift @ret; push @best_overall_match, @ret; } } print "Best overall match: $best_overall_match[0] chars\n"; ...