#!/usr/bin/perl # In order to 'use' a perlmodule in a userspace library you need to add it to @INC. # But if you do not want to use an absolute path inside the script, you need this workaround: BEGIN{ use Cwd 'abs_path'; my $this = $0; # this script $this =~ s/[^\/]+$//; # strip the filename, now we have a (relative) directory my $path = abs_path($this); # now we have an absolute directory unshift @INC, $path; # which we add to @INC # chdir('/tmp'); # does seem to confuse abs_path! Uncomment to see } use My::Module; My::Module::print_file_name(); My::Module::print_script_name(); My::Module::print_caller_name(); #### #!/usr/bin/perl package My::Module; use feature qw(say); local $_SCRIPT = ""; local $_PATH = ""; BEGIN{ use Cwd 'abs_path'; $_PATH = $0; # this script $_PATH =~ s/([^\/]+)$//; # strip the filename, now we have a (relative) directory $_SCRIPT = $1; # the stripped part is the filename $_PATH = abs_path($_PATH); # now we have an absolute directory print "My::Module 0=$0 _PATH=$_PATH _SCRIPT=$_SCRIPT \n"; } sub print_file_name { say __FILE__; } sub print_script_name { say "print_script_name: $_PATH/$_SCRIPT"; } sub print_caller_name { my @D = caller(); $D[1]= abs_path($_PATH.'/'.$D[1]) unless $D[1]=~m{^/}; say "print_caller_name: @D"; } 1; #### warn "ALERT ALERT ALERT" unless(-f "$_PATH/$_SCRIPT");