ss{}{}{}sss{}{}ssss{}{}{}sss{}ssss{} ssss{}ssss{}ss{}sss{}sss{}ss{}ssss{} ssss{}sss{}{}{}{}ss{}{}{}sss{}{}{}{} {}ss{}sss{}ssss{}ss{}sssssss{}ssss{} {}{}{}sss{}ssss{}ss{}sssssss{}ssss{} #### @pattern = ([2,3,3,2,4,3,3,1,4,1], # 2 spaces, 3 marks, 3 spaces, 2 marks, etc. [4,1,4,1,2,1,3,1,3,1,2,1,4,1], [4,1,3,4,2,3,3,4], [0,1,2,1,3,1,4,1,2,1,7,1,4,1], # 0 spaces, 1 mark, etc. [0,3,3,1,4,1,2,1,7,1,4,1] ); #### for $row (@pattern) { $mark=0; for $column (@$row) { if ($mark) { print "{}" x $column; $mark = 0; } else { print " " x $column; $mark = 1; } } print "\n"; } #### %pat = (" " => "{}", "{}" => " "); #### $output = " "; #### foreach (@numbers) { print $output x $_; $output = $pat{$output}; } #### %pat = (" " => "{}", "{}" => " "); $output = " "; for $row (@pattern) { for $column (@$row) { print $output x $column; $output = $pat{$output}; } print "\n"; } #### %pat = (" " => "{}", "{}" => " "); $output = $pat{" "}; for $row (@pattern) { print map { $output = $pat{$output}; $output x $_} @$row; print "\n"; } #### %pat = (" " => "{}", "{}" => " "); $output = $pat{" "}; print map { map @{[{ $output = $pat{$output}; $output x $_} @$_]}, "\n" } @pattern; #### @pattern = qw(2332433141 41412131312141 41342334 01213141217141 033141217141); %pat = (" " => "{}", "{}" => " "); $output = $pat{" "}; print map { map @{[{ $output = $pat{$output}; $output x $_} split //]}, "\n" } @pattern; #### $p={" "=>"{}"}; $p->{$p->{" "}}=" "; $o=$p->{" "}; print map{@{[map{tr{abcdef}{012347};$o=$p->{$o};$o x $_}split//]},$/}qw{cddceddbeb ebebcbdbdbcbeb ebdecdde abcbdbebcbfbeb addbebcbfbeb}; #### $_='8pj%z9zj>z%&z&u8ph>%8ph>%z9z&&jz9zu8oj8ph>%z9z&uprint9mkp%@%[mkp%tr%kvcdef&%012347&u8oj8ph>%8o&u8o9x98_&splitgg]&,8g&qw%cddceddvev9evevcvdvdvcvev9evdecdde9kvcvdvevcvfvev9kddvevcvfvev&u';y'hj%89z&kuvg'-={$ "}a;b/';eval; #### $hexstr=<<'HEX'; $_='8pj%z9zj>z%&z&u8ph>%8ph>%z9z&&jz9zu8oj8ph>%z9z&uprint9mkp%@%[mkp%tr%kvcdef&%012347&u8oj8ph>%8o&u8o9x98_&splitgg]&,8g&qw%cddceddvev9evevcvdvdvcvev9evdecdde9kvcvdvevcvfvev9kddvevcvfvev&u';y'hj%89z&kuvg'-={$ "}a;b/';eval; HEX print q{eval pack "H*",'}, uc(unpack("H*", $hexstr)),"';"; #### eval pack"H*",'245F3D2738706A257A397A6A3E7A25267A26753870683E253870683E257A397A26266A7A397A75386F6A3870683E257A397A26757072696E74396D6B702540255B6D6B70257472256B766364656626253031323334372675386F6A3870683E25386F2675386F397839385F2673706C697467675D262C38672671772563646463656464766576396576657663766476647663766576396576646563646465396B76637664766576637666766576396B64647665766376667665762675273B7927686A2538397A266B757667272D3D7B2420227D613B622F273B6576616C3B200A'; #### $_='use strict; my$diary=24/5. For 3 Dozens of %{{algorithms}} we got $2,738; require 7.0.6; Another 257 $Mil to %Anna. We &keep aside $397 for Anthony. SSN+=6A3E7A25267A26753870683E253870683E257;And open GUTS "> ", 397A26266A7A397A75. This one will break the back of my old 386. Finally, we understood the real meaning of 6A3870683E257A397A2675707: it was a combination of 2696E74396D6B702540255B6D6B and hopefully had nothing to share with that other @line my Uncle Lou found in a drawer (Something like 70257472256B766364656626253031323334372675386F6A3870) Numbers are &dancing around me. 683 (Even 25386F2675386 +Forcefully!) 397839385F2673706. no CGI; $_=\We seem to remember that 697467675D262 was given to $Tom. Cool! 3867267($1)7725636464636564647665763965 is a @sequence I will /^never*/ forget. (Related to[++]) 76657663766476647663766576396576646563646465396 Begins now and I know 76637664S7665766376667 is following. Is it going to [end]? Here comes one more. 66576396B64647665766376667665762675273B7927686A2538397A266. Big beast. 757667272 Do you really think it is over? Not yet. Wait(). 3D7B2420227D613B622 Finally, this should be the last one. Is it? -No? 273B6576616C3B200. Ah! Yes. '; tr/A-F0-9//cd; eval pack "H*", $_; #### @a= map {$b=@{[unpack "c*",$_]};$b} qw(the dream becomes: nightmare); $a+=$_ for@a;($a*=3)-=2;($e,$d,$g,$f)=map {$a-=$_;$a}@a;$k=pack("c*", $d..$e).pack"c*",$f..$g; $h=pack"c",$d+34;$c=pack"c",$e+2;$i=pack"c", $d+35;$j=pack"c",$e+51;eval"$j.$k..$h$i";eval pack"$c*",$_;