#!/usr/bin/perl -t use strict; use warnings; use Date::Manip; use CGI qw/:standard/; # Make sure neither we, nor any of our submodules compromise security # by calling unpathed programs. $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin"; $ENV{IFS}=""; # Use CGI to print our headers print header; my %referers = (); # Retrieve and security-check parameters my $hour = param('hour'); my $minute = param('minute'); if ($hour !~ /^\d\d?$/) { die('Invalid hour'); } if ($minute !~ /^\d\d?$/) { die('Invalid minute'); } # Get date object for our check point my $check_date = ParseDate("${hour}hours ${minute}minutes ago"); # File handling, one line at a time open(FH,"file") || die('Could not open log file'); while (my $line = ) { next if ($line !~ /^\S+ \S \S (\S+) \S+ "[^"]+" \d+ \d+ "([^"]+)"/); my $line_date = ParseDate($1); # Check to see if the line date is in the range we're after next unless Date_Cmp($line_date, $check_date)>0; # If the referer is new, we set to 1 entry, otherwise increment (incrementing undef doesn't work well) if (!$referers{$2}) { $referers{$2}=1; } else { $referers{$2}++; } } close(FH); my $row = 0; # Sort our referers by the number of hits for (sort {$referers{$b} <=> $referers{$a}} keys %referers) { # break out after the tenth one last if $row++==10; print "$_: ".$referers{$_}."\n"; }