#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser /; use lib qw(/home/thesite/local_mods); my $file = '/home/thesite/public_html/1999.xls'; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Simple; use CGI ':standard'; use CGI::Pretty qw( :html3 ); my $q = CGI->new(); my $top='

Kids Count

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Kids Count

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1999 Kids Count Data Book on Louisiana's Children

'; ##row labels not found in xl file my @r = ("Total","Under 20","Under 5","\% Children under age 18 in poverty","Number of children under age 18 in poverty","Median Family Income(1998)","\% Unemployed (April 1999)","\# Unemployed (April 1999)","FITAP (FY 1998)", "Medicaid (March 1999)","Food Stamps (November 1998)","WIC (1998)","Child Care Assistance (June 1998)","Child Care Assistance (June 1998)","Live Births","\% Births To Teens","\% Low Birthweight Babies","\% Women Receiving
Adequate Prenatal Care","Infant Mortality Rate","\% Up to Date Immunization
(Public Clinics 1998)","Children in custody under supervision
of Office of Youth Development","Crimes against property","Crimes against persons","Abuse and neglect cases found valid
(# of children)","Physical abuse","Neglect","Sexual abuse","Children in Foster Care","Registration","\$ Per Pupil Expenditure","\$ Average Teacher Salary","Special education services","Dropouts"); my @topic_menu = ("Total # Children","Children Under 20","Children Under 5","\% Children in poverty","\# Children in poverty","Median Family Income","\% Unemployed","\# Unemployed","Receiving FITAP","Receiving Medicaid","Receiving Food Stamps","Receiving WIC","Child Care Assistance","CCA FINDWORK","Live Births","\% Births To Teens","\% Low Birthweight Babies","\% Adequate Prenatal Care","Infant Mortality Rate","\% Immunization","Children in OYD custody","Crimes against property","Crimes against persons","Abuse and neglect cases","Physical abuse","Neglect","Sexual abuse","Children in Foster Care","# Students Registered","\$ Per Pupil","\$ Teacher Salary","Special education","Dropouts"); ## format = starting_index.no_of_elements my $corner ='#6A5ACD'; my $data = '#dddddd'; my @toprow = $q->Tr({-align=>"center"}, $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$corner"}," " ), $q->td( b('White') ), $q->td( b('African American') ), $q->td( b('Total (All Races)') ) ); ##table titles also not in xl my @t = ("Population (1997)","Poverty (1995)","Employment and Income","Children Receiving:","Maternal and Child Health (1997)","Children In Trouble (FY 1998)","Child Abuse and Neglect (FY 1998)","Public Education"); my %info; my ($firstrow, @topics); my $xls = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Simple->read($file); foreach my $sheet ($xls->sheets) { while ($sheet->has_data) { my @a = $sheet->next_row; my $b = shift(@a); if ($firstrow < 1) { #don't add topics to hash @topics = @a ; $firstrow++; } else { $info{$b} = \@a; } } } my ($i,$j,$k); #iteration control i=cell data j=row labels k=table titles my @parishes = sort(keys %info); my $choice = $q->param('choice') || 'Louisiana'; my $headline; if ($choice ne 'Louisiana') { $headline = " Parish"; } if ( $q->param( 'topic' ) ) { by_topic(); } by_parish(); sub by_parish { print $q->header,start_html( {-title=>"Kids Count Data for $choice$headline"}) , div({-align=>"center"}, $top, h2({-align=>"CENTER"},"Data for $choice$headline"), hr({-width=>"400"}), ), #div br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Population (1997) @toprow, parishdata_x3(),parishdata_x3(),parishdata_x3(), ), #table br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Poverty (1995) @toprow, parishdata_x1(),parishdata_x1(), ), #table br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Employment and Income @toprow, parishdata_x1(), parishdata_x1(), parishdata_x1(), ), #table br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Children Receiving: @toprow,parishdata_x1(), parishdata_x1(),parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x1(), parishdata_x1(), ), #table br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Maternal and Child Health (1997) @toprow, parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x3(),parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x1(), ), #table br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Children In Trouble (FY 1998) @toprow, parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x1(),parishdata_x1(), ), #table br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Child Abuse and Neglect (FY 1998) @toprow, parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x3(),parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x3(), ), #table br, br, b($t[$k++]),br, table( {-width=>'600',-border=>'1'}, ##Public Education @toprow, parishdata_x3(), parishdata_x1(),parishdata_x1(), parishdata_x1(), parishdata_x1(), ); #table footer(); exit; } sub by_topic { my $topic = $q->param( 'topic' ); chomp $topic; my %topic_lookup = ("Total \# Children","0:0:3","Children Under 20","1:3:3","Children Under 5","2:6:3", "\% Children in poverty","3:9:1","\# children in poverty","4:10:1","Median Family Income","5:11:1", "\% Unemployed","6:12:1","\# Unemployed","7:13:1","Receiving FITAP","8:14:1","Receiving Medicaid", "9:15:1","Receiving Food Stamps","10:16:3","Receiving WIC","11:19:3","Child Care Assistance", "12:22:1","CCA FINDWORK","13:23:1","Live Births","14:24:3","\% Births To Teens","15:27:3", "\% Low Birthweight Babies","16:30:3","\% Adequate Prenatal Care","17:33:3","Infant Mortality Rate", "18:36:3","\% Immunization","19:37:1","Children in OYD custody","20:40:3","Crimes against property", "21:43:1","Crimes against persons","22:44:1","Abuse and neglect cases","23:47:3","Physical abuse","24:50:3", "Neglect","25:53:3","Sexual abuse","26:56:3","Children in Foster Care","27:59:3","\# Students Registered", "28:62:3","\$ Per Pupil","29:63:1","\$ Teacher Salary","30:64:1","Special education", "31:65:1","Dropouts","32:66:1"); ## format = @topic_menu_element.starting_index_in xl.no_of_xl_elements my $display = $topic_lookup{$topic}; my @numbers = split(/:/, $display); my $heading = $numbers[0]; my $index = $numbers[1]; my $index2 = $index + 1; my $index3 = $index2 + 1; my $elements = $numbers[2]; $_ = 'Louisiana'; my @cells; if ($elements < 2) { @cells = $q->td( {-align=>'left'}, b("$topic") ). $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}," "). $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}," "). $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index]); } else { @cells = $q->td( {-align=>'left'}, b("$topic") ). $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index]). $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index2]). $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index3] ); } print $q->header,start_html( {-title=>"Kids Count Data for $topic"}) , div({-align=>"center"}, $top, h2({-align=>"CENTER"},"$topic"), hr({-width=>"400"}), ); #div my $LA = @{$info{'Louisiana'}}[$index]; delete $info{'Louisiana'}; print $q->b("$_:"),br, table( {-border=>1,-width=>'600'}, Tr({-align=>"center"}, \@toprow ), Tr( {-align=>'right', -bgcolor=>"$data"},\@cells ), ), br, br,b("Parish Level Data on "), h3("$topic:"); my @keys; #alpha sort @keys = sort(keys %info); my @rows; if ($elements < 2) { @rows = map { $q->Tr( {-align=>'right'}, $q->td( {-align=>'left'}, b("$_ Parish:")), $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}," "), $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}," "), $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index] ) ) } @keys; } else { @rows = map { $q->Tr( {-align=>'right'}, $q->td( {-align=>'left'}, b("$_ Parish:") ), $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index]), $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index2]), $q->td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"},@{$info{$_}}[$index3]) ) } @keys; } print $q->p( table( {-border=>1,-width=>'600'}, @toprow, @rows ), ); #p footer(); exit; } sub footer { print $q->p("* indicates that parish level data is not available."), hr( {-width=>'80%',-align=>"center"}), table( {-align=>'CENTER',-width=>"600"}, Tr( {-align=>'CENTER'}, td( font( {-face=>'Arial', -size=>'3'},"Please select a parish to view:"), start_form( {-action=>url,-name=>"by_parish"} ), popup_menu( {-name=> "choice",-values=>\@parishes, -default=>"$choice"} ), p( submit( {-value=>"Get Data!"} ), ), end_form, ), #td td( h1("OR"), ), td( font( {-face=>'Arial', -size=>'3'},"Please select a topic to view:"), start_form( {-action=>url,-name=>"by_topic"} ), popup_menu( {-name=> "topic", -values=>\@topic_menu } ), p( submit( {-value=>"Get Data!"} ), ), end_form, ), #td ), #Tr Tr({-align=>'CENTER'}, td({-colspan=>'3'}, "Another Custom CGI Script by",br, a( {-href=>"http://www.nolaflash.com"}, img( {-src=>"/images/nola_logo.jpg", -alt=>"Got Funk?", -border=>'0'} ), ),a( {-name=>"#foot"} ), ), #td ), ), #table end_html; } sub parishdata_x3 { Tr({-align=>"right"}, td( {-align=>"center"}, b($r[$j++]), ), td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}, @{$info{$choice}}[$i++] ), td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}, @{$info{$choice}}[$i++] ), td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}, @{$info{$choice}}[$i++] ), ); } sub parishdata_x1 { Tr({-align=>"right"}, td( {-align=>"center"}, b($r[$j++]), ), td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}, " "), td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}, " "), td( {-bgcolor=>"$data"}, @{$info{$choice}}[$i++] ), ); }