# example 1 my @ary = qw( Foo and Bar went up the Baz to fetch a Gom Jabar ); printref(\@ary[0,2,6,10,11]); sub printref { print "$$_\n" for @_; } #### # example 2 my @ary = qw( Foo and Bar went up the Baz to fetch a Gom Jabar ); printref(\@ary,(0,2,6,10,11)); sub printref { my $ary = shift; print "$$ary[$_]\n" for @_; } #### # example 3 my @ary = qw( Foo and Bar went up the Baz to fetch a Gom Jabar ); printref(\@ary[0,2,6,10,11]); sub printref { my $ary = shift; print "$_\n" for @$ary; }