use Data::Alias qw( alias ); use Devel::Peek qw( Dump ); my $x = 3; my $y = 4; Dump($x); Dump($y); alias $x = $y; Dump($x); Dump($y); __END__ SV = IV(0x80ce4c8) at 0x805917c REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (PADBUSY,PADMY,IOK,pIOK) IV = 3 SV = IV(0x80ce4cc) at 0x8059128 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (PADBUSY,PADMY,IOK,pIOK) IV = 4 SV = IV(0x80ce4cc) at 0x8059128 REFCNT = 2 FLAGS = (PADBUSY,PADMY,IOK,pIOK) IV = 4 SV = IV(0x80ce4cc) at 0x8059128 REFCNT = 2 FLAGS = (PADBUSY,PADMY,IOK,pIOK) IV = 4 #### sub gc_frac { local $_ = @_? shift : $_; 2 * (() = /(gc)/gi ) / length; } print gc_frac('AAgcTT'),$/ #### 0.333333333333333 $ #### >>-----ASSIGN-----+---------------+----+--user-id---> '--WITH REGRET--' '--group-id--> >---password---------+-------NO PRIVILEGE---------->< >---group-password---' #### $ perl -e'printf "OS: %s\tNum: %d\tTime left: %f\n", $^O, select undef, undef, undef, 1.5' #### $ perl -e'alarm 1;printf "Num: %d\tTime left: %f\n", select undef, undef, undef, 3.0' Alarm clock $ #### $ time perl -e'alarm 5;printf "Num: %d\tTime left: %f\n", select undef, undef, undef, 3.0' Num: 0 Time left: 0.000000 $ #### $ perl -e'$SIG{ALRM}=sub {};alarm 1;printf "Num: %d\tTime left: %f\n", select undef, undef, undef, 3.0' Num: -1 Time left: 2.000000 $ #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Hook::LexWrap; { my $foo; sub foo { @_ ? $foo = shift : $foo; } my $wrapper = wrap *foo, pre => sub { warn 0+@_, " @_"; # splice @_, 0, 1, lc( $_[0]) if @_ > 1; # bad $_[0] = lc $_[0] if @_ > 1; #new warn 0+@_, " @_"; }, post => sub { $_[-1] = wantarray ? [ map {uc} @{$_[-1]} ] : uc $_[-1] }; sub wrapper () :lvalue { $wrapper } # keeps the cloistered # lexwrap alive sub _foo () :lvalue { $foo } # inspection hatch } my $str = 'Quux'; my $tmp = $str; printf "Given $str, wrapped setter reports %s, backdoor shows %s, arg is now %s.\n", foo($tmp), _foo, $tmp; # setter printf "Wrapped getter reports %s, and backdoor shows %s\n", foo(), _foo; # getter __END__ 2 Quux ARRAY(0x804b3f8) at line 13. 2 quux ARRAY(0x804b3f8) at line 15. Given Quux, wrapped setter reports QUUX, backdoor shows Quux, arg is now Quux. 1 ARRAY(0x804b50c) at line 13. 1 ARRAY(0x804b50c) at line 15. Wrapped getter reports QUUX, and backdoor shows Quux #### ssize_t rd = 0; size_t sofar = 0; while (rd = read( fd, buf + sofar, BUFSIZE - sofar)) { switch (rd) { case -1: switch (errno) { case EAGAIN : case EINTR : continue; default : /* unrecoverable */ abort(); } default: sofar += rd; } } #### PRE { background-color: #CCEECC; border: thin black solid; padding: 5px; font-family: fixed, courier; font-size: 14pt; white-space : pre; } H1 {font-size: 34pt} H2 {font-size: 30pt} H3 {font-size: 24pt} H4 {font-size: 18pt} H5 {font-size: 14pt} H6 {font-size: 8pt} #### sub fixxml { # fix the xml nodes so they parse correctly my$xml = shift; my$fix = q{ }; # mirod to the rescue! $xml = ($xml=~/^<\?xml/i?'':$fix).$xml; # Zaxo $xml =~ s/[\r\n\t]//g; # jcwren $xml =~ y/\x00-\x1f//d; # strip control chrs return $xml; # to the xml parser } #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; sub common { my (%common, %test); $_ = shift; @common{@$_} = {} x @$_; # second use is scalar context while ( $_ = shift) { %test = (); @test{@$_} = () x @$_; delete @common{ grep { ! exists $test{$_} } keys %common}; } return ( keys %common ); } my @foo = ( [1,2,3,5,8,9,4,5], [18,2,4,7,3,4.9], [2,3,6,5,9], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0], [1,2,3,5,8], [2,3,4,5,8,7], ); print "@{[common(@foo)]}$/"; #### # Constants and functions transcribed from linux 2.4 asm-i386/ioctl.h macros use strict; package Ioctl::Linux_2_4::I386; BEGIN { use Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = '0.04'; @EXPORT = qw( _IO _IOR _IOW _IOWR ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( _IOC_DIR _IOC_SIZE _IOC_NR _IOC_TYPE IOC_IN IOC_OUT IOC_INOUT IOCSIZE_MASK IOCSIZE_SHIFT ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( decode => [qw( _IOC_DIR _IOC_SIZE _IOC_NR _IOC_TYPE)], rawdir => [qw(IOC_IN IOC_OUT IOC_INOUT)], rawsize => [qw(IOCSIZE_MASK IOCSIZE_SHIFT)] ); } # Bitfield layout of ioctl command word use constant IOC_NRBITS => 8; use constant IOC_TYPEBITS => 8; use constant IOC_SIZEBITS => 14; use constant IOC_DIRBITS => 2; # Decoding masks use constant IOC_NRMASK => ((1 << IOC_NRBITS) - 1 ); use constant IOC_TYPEMASK => ((1 << IOC_TYPEBITS) - 1 ); use constant IOC_SIZEMASK => ((1 << IOC_SIZEBITS) - 1 ); use constant IOC_DIRMASK => ((1 << IOC_DIRBITS) - 1 ); # Shift amounts derived from bitfield widths use constant IOC_NRSHIFT => 0; use constant IOC_TYPESHIFT => (IOC_NRSHIFT + IOC_NRBITS); use constant IOC_SIZESHIFT => (IOC_TYPESHIFT + IOC_TYPEBITS); use constant IOC_DIRSHIFT => (IOC_SIZESHIFT + IOC_SIZEBITS); # Direction encoding use constant IOC_NONE => 0; use constant IOC_WRITE => 1; use constant IOC_READ => 2; # Convenience constants use constant IOC_IN => (IOC_WRITE << IOC_DIRSHIFT); use constant IOC_OUT => (IOC_READ << IOC_DIRSHIFT); use constant IOC_INOUT => ((IOC_WRITE|IOC_READ) << IOC_DIRSHIFT); use constant IOCSIZE_MASK => (IOC_SIZEMASK << IOC_SIZESHIFT); use constant IOCSIZE_SHIFT => (IOC_SIZESHIFT); # Control word packing # arguments: direction, type, nr, size sub _IOC ($$$$) { ($_[0] & IOC_DIRMASK) << IOC_DIRSHIFT | ($_[1] & IOC_TYPEMASK) << IOC_TYPESHIFT | ($_[2] & IOC_NRMASK) << IOC_NRSHIFT | ($_[3] & IOC_SIZEMASK) << IOC_SIZESHIFT } # arguments: type, nr sub _IO ($$) { _IOC( IOC_NONE, $_[0], $_[1], 0) } # arguments: type, nr, size sub _IOR ($$$) { _IOC( IOC_READ, $_[0], $_[1], $_[2]) } # arguments type, nr, size sub _IOW ($$$) { _IOC( IOC_WRITE, $_[0], $_[1], $_[2]) } # arguments type, nr, size sub _IOWR ($$$) { _IOC( IOC_WRITE | IOC_READ, $_[0], $_[1], $_[2]) } # Decode ioctl numbers sub _IOC_DIR ($;@) { $_[0] >> IOC_DIRSHIFT & IOC_DIRMASK } sub _IOC_TYPE ($;@) { $_[0] >> IOC_TYPESHIFT & IOC_TYPEMASK } sub _IOC_NR ($;@) { $_[0] >> IOC_NRSHIFT & IOC_NRMASK } sub _IOC_SIZE ($;@) { $_[0] >> IOC_SIZESHIFT & IOC_SIZEMASK } 1; __END__ #### {$_="r\@56O4\@FCE6DJO\@7OE96O!6C=>\@?