package DateTime::Calendar::Discordian; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use DateTime::Locale; use Params::Validate qw( validate SCALAR OBJECT UNDEF); our $VERSION = '0.8'; our @days = ( { name => 'Sweetmorn', abbrev => 'SM', }, { name => 'Boomtime', abbrev => 'BT', }, { name => 'Pungenday', abbrev => 'PD', }, { name => 'Prickle-Prickle', abbrev => 'PP', }, { name => 'Setting Orange', abbrev => 'SO', }, ); our %seasons = ( 'Chaos' => { abbrev => 'Chs', offset => 0, apostle_holyday => 'Mungday', season_holyday => 'Chaoflux', }, 'Discord' => { abbrev => 'Dsc', offset => 73, apostle_holyday => 'Mojoday', season_holyday => 'Discoflux', }, 'Confusion' => { abbrev => 'Cfn', offset => 146, apostle_holyday => 'Syaday', season_holyday => 'Confuflux', }, 'Bureaucracy' => { abbrev => 'Bcy', offset => 219, apostle_holyday => 'Zaraday', season_holyday => 'Bureflux', }, 'The Aftermath' => { abbrev => 'Afm', offset => 292, apostle_holyday => 'Maladay', season_holyday => 'Afflux', }, ); our @excl = ('Hail Eris!', 'All Hail Discordia!', 'Kallisti!', 'Fnord.', 'Or not.', 'Wibble.', 'Pzat!', "P'tang!", 'Frink!', 'Slack!', 'Praise "Bob"!', 'Or kill me.', 'Grudnuk demand sustenance!', 'Keep the Lasagna flying!', 'Umlaut Zebra über alles!', 'You are what you see.','Or is it?', 'This statement is false.', 'Hail Eris, Hack Perl!',); our %formats = ( 'a' => sub { $_[0]->day_abbr }, 'A' => sub { $_[0]->day_name }, 'b' => sub { $_[0]->season_abbr }, 'B' => sub { $_[0]->season_name }, 'd' => sub { $_[0]->day }, 'e' => sub { _cardinal($_[0]->{day}) }, 'H' => sub { $_[0]->holyday }, 'n' => sub { "\n" }, 't' => sub { "\t" }, 'X' => sub { $_[0]->days_till_X }, 'Y' => sub { $_[0]->year }, '%' => sub { '%' }, '.' => sub { $_[0]->_randexcl }, ); our $tibsday = qr/s(?:ain)?t\.?\s*tib'?s?\s*(?:day)?/i; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = validate( @_, { day => { type => SCALAR, default => 0, callbacks => { "between 1 and 73 or St. Tib's Day" => sub { ($_[0] =~ /$tibsday/ && !defined($_[1]->{season})) || ($_[0] > 0 && $_[0] < 74) }, }, }, season => { type => SCALAR | UNDEF, default => 0, callbacks => { 'valid season name' => sub { (!defined($_[0]) && $_[1]->{day} =~ /$tibsday/) || grep /$_/i, keys %seasons }, }, }, year => { type => SCALAR, default => 0, }, rd_secs => { type => SCALAR, default => 0, }, rd_nanosecs => { type => SCALAR, default => 0, }, locale => { type => SCALAR | OBJECT | UNDEF, default => undef, }, }); $args{season} = join(' ', map { ucfirst(lc($_)) } split(' ', $args{season})) if defined($args{season}); $args{day} = "St. Tib's Day" if $args{day} =~ /$tibsday/; croak "Not a leap year" if $args{day} eq "St. Tib's Day" && !_is_leap_year($args{year} - 1166); my $self = bless \%args, $class; $self->{epoch} = -426237; $self->{fnord} = 5; if(defined($self->{locale})) { $self->{locale} = DateTime::Locale->load($args{locale}) unless (ref $self->{locale}); } $self->{rd} = $self->_discordian2rd; return bless $self, $class; } sub clone { bless { %{ $_[0] } }, ref $_[0] } sub day { my($self) = @_; return $self->{day}; } sub day_abbr { my($self) = @_; return undef if ($self->{day} eq "St. Tib's Day"); my $day_of_year = $seasons{$self->{season}}->{offset} + $self->{day}; return $days[($day_of_year - 1) % 5]->{abbrev}; } sub day_name { my($self) = @_; return $self->{day} if ($self->{day} eq "St. Tib's Day"); my $day_of_year = $seasons{$self->{season}}->{offset} + $self->{day}; return $days[($day_of_year - 1) % 5]->{name}; } sub days_till_x { my($self) = @_; return 3163186 - $self->{rd}; } sub from_object { my $class = shift; my %args = validate( @_, { object => { type => OBJECT, can => 'utc_rd_values', }, locale => { type => SCALAR | OBJECT | UNDEF, default => undef, }, }, ); $args{object} = $args{object}->clone->set_time_zone( 'floating' ) if $args{object}->can( 'set_time_zone' ); my ( $rd_days, $rd_secs, $rd_nanosecs ) = $args{object}->utc_rd_values; my ($day, $season, $year) = $class->_rd2discordian($rd_days); return $class->new(day => $day, season => $season, year => $year, rd_secs => $rd_secs || 0, rd_nanosecs => $rd_nanosecs || 0, locale => $args{locale}, ); } sub holyday { my($self) = @_; return $seasons{$self->{season}}->{apostle_holyday} if ($self->{day} == 5); return $seasons{$self->{season}}->{season_holyday} if ($self->{day} == 50); return ""; } sub season_abbr { my($self) = @_; return $seasons{$self->{season}}->{abbrev}; } sub season_name { my($self) = @_; return $self->{season}; } sub strftime { my ($self, @r) = @_; foreach (@r) { ($self->{day} eq "St. Tib's Day" || ($self->{day} != 5 && $self->{day} != 50)) ? s/%N.+$// : s/%N//g; ($self->{day} ne "St. Tib's Day") ? s/%\{.+?%\}//g : s/%[\{|\}]//g; s/%([%*A-Za-z])/ $formats{$1} ? $formats{$1}->($self) : $1 /ge; return $_ unless wantarray; } return @r; } sub utc_rd_values { my($self) = @_; return( $self->{ rd }, $self->{ rd_secs }, $self->{ rd_nanosecs } || 0 ); } sub year { my($self) = @_; return $self->{year}; } sub _cardinal { my($day) = @_; my $cardinal = $day; return $cardinal . 'st' if ($day % 10 == 1 && $day != 11); return $cardinal . 'nd' if ($day % 10 == 2 && $day != 12); return $cardinal . 'rd' if ($day % 10 == 3 && $day != 13); return $cardinal . 'th'; } # # calculate RD (Rata Dia) date # sub _discordian2rd { my($self) = @_; # Convert Discordian year to Gregorian - 1 my $yr = $self->{year} - 1167; # Start with the epoch + number of elapsed days in intervening years. # Add number of intervening leap days. my $rd = 0 + 365 * ($yr) + _floor($yr / 4) - _floor($yr / 100) + _floor($yr / 400); # add number of days elapsed this year. my $day_of_year = $self->{day} eq "St. Tib's Day" ? 60 : $seasons{$self->{season}}->{offset} + $self->{day}; $rd += $day_of_year; # add 1 if this is a leap year and it is past St. Tibs' Day. $rd += $day_of_year < 60 ? 0 : _is_leap_year($yr + 1) ? 1 : 0; return $rd; } sub _floor { my ($x) = @_; my $ix = int $x; return ($ix <= $x) ? $ix : $ix - 1; } sub _is_leap_year { my($yr) = @_; my $c = ($yr) % 400; return ($yr % 4 == 0) && $c != 100 && $c != 200 && $c != 300; } sub _randexcl { my($self) = @_; return $excl[int(rand($#excl))]; } sub _rd2discordian { my ($self, $rd ) = @_; my $n400 = _floor($rd / 146097); my $d1 = $rd % 146097; my $n100 = _floor($d1 / 36524); my $d2 = $d1 % 36524; my $n4 = _floor($d2 / 1461); my $d3 = $d2 % 1461; my $n1 = _floor($d3 / 365); my $d4 = $d3 % 365; my $year = (400 * $n400) + (100 * $n100) + (4 * $n4) + $n1 + 1167; my ($season, $day); if ($d4 == 60 && _is_leap_year($year - 1166)) { $season = undef; $day = "St. Tib's Day"; } else { my @seas = ('Chaos', 'Discord', 'Confusion', 'Bureaucracy', 'The Aftermath'); $season = $seas[_floor($d4 / 73)]; $day = $d4 - $seasons{$season}->{offset} + ($d4 < 60 ? 0 : _is_leap_year($year - 1166) ? -1 : 0); } return( $day, $season, $year); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME DateTime::Calendar::Discordian - Perl extension for the Discordian Calendar =head1 SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Calendar::Discordian; =head1 ABSTRACT A module that implements the Discordian calendar made popular(?) in the "Illuminatus!" trilogy by Robert shea and Robert Anton Wilson and by the Church of the SubGenius. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 The Discordian Calendar =head3 Seasons Name Patron apostle ---- -------------- Chaos Hung Mung Discord Dr. Van Van Mojo Confusion Sri Syadasti Bureaucracy Zarathud The Aftermath The Elder Malaclypse =head3 Days Of The Week 1. Sweetmorn 2. Boomtime 3. Pungenday 4. Prickle-Prickle 5. Setting Orange The days of the week are named from the five Basic Elements: sweet, boom, pungent, prickle and orange. =head3 Holydays Apostle Holydays Season Holydays ---------------- --------------- 1) Mungday 1) Chaoflux 2) Mojoday 2) Discoflux 3) Syaday 3) Confuflux 4) Zaraday 4) Bureflux 5) Maladay 5) Afflux Apostle Holydays occur on the 5th day of the Season. Season Holydays occur on the 50th day of the Season. St. Tib's Day occurs once every 4 years (1+4=5) and is inserted between the 59th and 60th days of the Season of Chaos. The era of the Discordian Calendar is called Year Of Lady Discord (YOLD.) Its' epoch (Confusion 1 of year 0) is equivalent to January 1, -1167 B.C. X Day is when the Church of the SubGenius believes the alien X-ists will destroy the world. The revised date is equivalent to Confusion 40, 9827 YOLD. =head1 USAGE =over 4 =item B Constructs a new I object. This class method requires the parameters I, I, and I. The parameters I, I. and I are also accepted for compatability with other I modules but they are not used. If I is given as "St. Tib's Day" (or reasonable facsimile thereof,) then I is omitted. This function will C if invalid parameters are given. For example: my $dtcd = DateTime::Calendar::Discordian->new( day => 8, season => 'Discord', year => 3137, ); =item B Returns a copy of the object. =item B Returns the day of the season as a number between 1 and 73 or the string "St. Tib's Day". =item B Returns the name of the day of the week in abbreviated form or undef if it is "St. Tib's Day". =item B Returns the full name of the day of the week or "St. Tib's Day" if it is that day. =item B Returns the number of days until X Day. =item B Builds a I object from another I object. This function takes an I parameter and optionally I. For example: my $dtcd = DateTime::Calendar::Discordian->from_object( object => DateTime->new(day => 22, month => 3, year => 1971,)); =item B If the current day is a holy day, returns the name of that day otherwise returns an empty string. =item B Returns the abbreviated name of the current season. =item B Returns the full name of the current season. =item B This function takes one or more parameters consisting of strings containing special specifiers. For each such string it will return a string formatted according to the specifiers, er, specified. See the L section for a list of the available format specifiers. They have been chosen to be compatible with the L program not necessarily the L C function. If you give a format specifier that doesn't exist, then it is simply treated as text. =item B Returns a three-element array containing the current UTC RD days, seconds, and nanoseconds. See L for more details. =item B Returns the current year according to the YOLD (Year Of Lady Discord) era. =back =head2 strftime Specifiers The following specifiers are allowed in the format string given to the B method: =over 4 =item * %a Abbreviated name of the day of the week (i.e., SM.) Internally uses the I function. =item * %A Full name of the day of the week (i.e., Sweetmorn.) Internally uses the I function. =item * %b Abbreviated name of the season (i.e., Chs.) Internally uses the I function. =item * %B Full name of the season (i.e., Chaos.) Internally uses the I function. =item * %d Ordinal number of day in season (i.e., 23.) Internally uses the I function. =item * %e Cardinal number of day in season (i.e., 23rd.) =item * %H Name of current Holyday, if any. Internally uses the I function. =item * %n A newline character. =item * %N Magic code to prevent rest of format from being printed unless today is a Holyday. =item * %t A tab character. =item * %X Number of days remaining until X-Day. Internally uses the I function. =item * %Y Number of Year Of Lady Discord (YOLD.) Internally uses the I function. =item * %{ =item * %} Used to enclose the part of the string which is to be replaced with the words "St. Tib's Day" if the current day is St. Tib's Day. =item * %% A literal `%' character. =item * %% A literal `%' character. =item * %. Try it and see. =back =head1 SUPPORT Support for this module is provided via the email list. See L for more details. Please submit bugs to the CPAN RT system at L or via email at =head1 AUTHOR Jaldhar H. Vyas, Ejaldhar@braincells.comE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2004, Consolidated Braincells Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =head1 SEE ALSO L -- The DateTime project web site. L -- The Principia Discordia. L -- The Church of the SubGenius. =cut