use strict; use Coroutine; sub create : coroutine { my $foo = shift; my @bar = @_; yield{ print "$_\n" for @bar; $foo++; } yield{ print "$foo\n"; rand() > .5 ? 'weird' : ++$foo; } yield{ print "The end is near - goodbye cruel "; pop @bar; } } my $wacky = create(42, 'hello', 'world'); print $wacky->(42, 'hello', 'world'), "\n"; print $wacky->(), "\n"; print $wacky->(), "\n"; print $wacky->(), "\n"; __END__ hello world 42 43 44|weird The end is near - goodbye cruel world #### package Coroutine; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES yield); our %classes; sub MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { my ($class,$ref,$attr) = @_; if ($attr ne "coroutine") { return $attr; } bless $ref,"COROUTINE"; $classes{$class}=1; no strict 'refs'; return (); } # allows for some syntatic sugar sub yield(&@){ @_; } 1; CHECK{ no strict 'refs'; foreach my $caller (keys %classes) { foreach my $sym (keys %{"${caller}::"}) { my $glob = ${"${caller}::"}{$sym}; my $code = *$glob{CODE}; if ($code && ref($code) eq "COROUTINE" ) { my $full_name = "${caller}::$sym"; *$full_name = sub{ my @subs = $code->(@_); # verify that subs are subs foreach (@subs) { if (ref($_) ne "CODE") { require Carp; Carp::croak("a 'coroutine' sub must return a list of CODE refs, not: '$_'"); } } my $i = 0; # closure walks through list of subs return sub{ if ($i==@subs) { return undef; } $subs[$i++]->(@_); } }; } } } }