use strict; use Mail::Box::Manager; use Mail::Transport::SMTP; use POSIX qw(strftime); # Dont REALLY need this use Date::Parse qw( str2time ); use Date::Manip; my $MailboxManager = Mail::Box::Manager->new; my $CurrentTime = time(); my @mrtginfo=(9999,9999,0,0); my %OPT = qw(VERBOSE 0 DELETEALL 0 DELETEMINE 1 CHECKOPT 0 HELP 0 MAIL1 0 MAIL2 0 NAME1 0 NAME2 0 MAXMESSAGES 15 MAILBOX MY_DOMAIN/MY_USER_ID/MY_MAILBOX_NAME MAILBOXPASSWORD MY_DOMAIN_PASSWORD MAILBOXSERVER ExchServerName SMTPSERVER FROM ); # for (@ARGV){ my $matchedOp=0; foreach my $o (keys %OPT){ m/$o/i and $OPT{$o}= $matchedOp =1; # ON unless specified otherwise m/$o=(\S+)/i and $OPT{$o} = $1; $OPT{$o}=~s/ / /g; # Substitute SPACES (For Passwords etc) } $matchedOp or $OPT{HELP}=1, warn "ERROR: Unknown option:'$_'\n"; } $OPT{MAIL1} or warn "MAIL1=user\ not specified - not sending any e-mail\n"; $OPT{NAME1} or ($OPT{NAME1}) = ($OPT{MAIL1}=~m/\@(\w+)\.?/); $OPT{NAME2} or ($OPT{NAME2}) = ($OPT{MAIL2}=~m/\@(\w+)\.?/); $OPT{VERBOSE} and print " Option: $_ \t= $OPT{$_}\n" for sort keys %OPT; $OPT{HELP} and print "Program option: $_\n" for sort keys %OPT; ($OPT{CHECKOPT} or $OPT{HELP}) and exit 0; # Finished checking options if ($OPT{MAIL1}){ $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "Sending Mail1 with stamp $CurrentTime\n"; SendMail( ['hostname'=> $OPT{SMTPSERVER}, ] # Ref to@smtpopts ,[## Ref to @sendopts From => $OPT{FROM} , To => $OPT{MAIL1} , Subject=> "bounce 0 $OPT{NAME1} from Mail::Box \@$CurrentTime\@" ##, Cc => [ Mail::Address->parse($groupalias) ] ] ); } if ($OPT{MAIL2}){ $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "Sending Mail2 with stamp $CurrentTime\n"; SendMail( ['hostname'=>$OPT{SMTPSERVER}, ] # Ref to@smtpopts ,[## Ref to @sendopts From => $OPT{FROM} , To => $OPT{MAIL2} , Subject=> "bounce 1 $OPT{NAME2} from Mail::Box \@$CurrentTime\@" ##, Cc => [ Mail::Address->parse($groupalias) ] ] ); } $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "Reading Mail..\n"; ReadMail($OPT{MAILBOX}, ,$OPT{MAILBOXPASSWORD} ,$OPT{MAILBOXSERVER}); print $mrtginfo[$_] . "\n" for 0..3; # First 4 only ############################################################# sub ReadMail{ my ($UserName, $Password, $Server) = @_; #In order to specify a mailbox, the complete domain/username/mailbox string is required. Should the server see only a 2 item entry, (I.E. username/mailbox) then it will be interpreted as domain/username, not as username/mailbox. #Appending a mailbox entry to the username is also useful for accessing a mailbox # that is not the users ‘default’ mailbox, such as the mailbox of another user to # which the person has access too. #. login corpdomain/johndoe/marysMailbox j0hnsPa$$word # $UserDomain is optional. If null, Exch server domain is used. # $MailboxName can be null if identical to $username (Normal case). # If $MailboxName is specified, either the $UserDomain MUST be specified, # or the $Username must be in UPN (e-mail address) form. # To specify a particular mailbox, append the mailbox to the username string using # a trailing ‘/’ and then the ‘Alias” # . login corpdomain/johndoe/johnsMailbox j0hnsPa$$word my $POP3InboxFolder = $MailboxManager->open(type => 'pop3' , folder=>'/' ,username => $UserName, password => $Password ,server_name => $Server , access => 'rw', ,fix_header_errors => 1, fixHeaderErrors=> 1) or die "Cannot open POP inbox for '$UserName' on $Server\n"; my $msgCount=0; my ($SentTimeStamp, $SecondsAgo); foreach my $msg ($POP3InboxFolder->messages(- $OPT{MAXMESSAGES},-1)){ # Last 15 my $head = $msg->head; #my $SentTimeStamp =$head->timestamp; $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "#RCVD:" , $head->get('Received', 0) , "\n"; $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "#Subject=", $msg->subject ; my $sender = $msg->sender; $OPT{VERBOSE} and $sender and print qq(\t#Sender: ) ,$sender->format , qq(\n) ; if ($msg->subject =~m/bounce (\d)\s($OPT{NAME1}|$OPT{NAME2})\s.+\@(\d+)/){ Parse_Message($msg, $1,$3) }else{ # Parse BODY for send timestamp ... my $found = 0; foreach(@{$msg->body->lines}){ m/bounce (\d)\s($OPT{NAME1}|$OPT{NAME2})\s.+\@(\d+)/ and Parse_Message($msg, $1,$3) , $found=1, last; } next if $found; ##my $mrtgIndex = ; ## Fix this ... $SecondsAgo = $head->recvstamp - $head->timestamp ; $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "*UNKNOWN MSG:It took $SecondsAgo seconds in transit = ", int $SecondsAgo / 3600,":", int $SecondsAgo /60 % 60, ":", $SecondsAgo % 60 , "\n"; ##$mrtginfo[$mrtgIndex] = $SecondsAgo; $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "@{$msg->body->lines}[0..10] \n"; $OPT{DELETEALL} and $msg->delete; ## next; # Skip the msg } #for ($head->names){ # print "#\t$_\t ", $head->get($_), ";\n" ; #} $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "-" x 50 . " $msgCount\n"; last if $msgCount++ > 18; } $POP3InboxFolder->close; } ############################################################# sub Parse_Message{ # It was sent by THIS program .. Process it my ($msg , $mrtgIndex ,$SentTimeStamp) = @_; my $head = $msg->head; my $SecondsAgo; $SecondsAgo = $CurrentTime - $SentTimeStamp; $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "===This message is from myself! , sent $SecondsAgo seconds ago\n"; $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "It was sent ", int $SecondsAgo / 3600,":", int $SecondsAgo /60 % 60, ":", $SecondsAgo % 60 , " seconds ago, at ", POSIX::strftime(qq(%H:%M %d %b), localtime($SentTimeStamp)), "\n"; if ($SecondsAgo > 30 * 60 * 60){ # older than 30 minutes - ignore $mrtgIndex = $#mrtginfo + $mrtgIndex; #Store this junk at the end } $SecondsAgo = ($head->recvstamp || $SentTimeStamp) - $SentTimeStamp; $OPT{VERBOSE} and print "It took $SecondsAgo seconds in transit = ", int $SecondsAgo / 3600,":", int $SecondsAgo /60 % 60, ":", $SecondsAgo % 60 , "\n"; $mrtginfo[$mrtgIndex] = $SecondsAgo; # Save for MRTG # This was MY message - I can zap it.. ($OPT{DELETEMINE} or $OPT{DELETEALL}) and $msg->delete; } ################################################################ sub SendMail{ my @smtpopts = @{shift() || die "SendMail:Specify transport + Server"}; my %sendopts = @{shift() || die "SendMail:Specify From, To(msg options)"}; my $bodytext = shift || ''; my $body = Mail::Message::Body->new ( mime_type => 'text/plain' , transfer_encoding => '8bit', data => $bodytext ); my $message = Mail::Message->buildFromBody ( $body , %sendopts ); my $mailer = Mail::Transport::SMTP->new(@smtpopts) or warn "could not create Mail Transport (Mailer) for SMTP\n"; $mailer->send($message) or warn "could not send message \n"; } #############################################################