: >Well, if that's your goal, you're gonna have to work a little harder. : >I sent this out last week, but it never made it off my machine. It's : >50 characters, counting the final newline. : > : > main(){system("perl -pe 's/\\w+/reverse$&/eg'");} : > : >It's almost readable, too. : > : >Larry Wall : : Well, if we're allowed to write our own interpreters then yours is : easy to beat! : : main(){system("a");} : : 20 characters! (Not counting the final newline.) : : You haven't heard of my interpreter "a"? Well it just so happens : that, without any command line arguments, it filters stdin to stdout : in a manner that is identical to any of the valid entries to this : competition, like your entry above for example. :-) : : John Ellson Well, hey, I said you'd have to work a *little* harder, not a lot harder. :-) Larry