#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # index.pl # pod at tail use strict; use HTML::Template; use CGI qw(:all); use CGI::Carp; # qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Time::localtime; use File::stat; use vars qw($query $content $text @url_array @common_array); my %dir = ( # no trailing slash web => '/var/www', conf => '/etc/HTML-Template', ); my %file = ( perl => 'index.pl', css => 'site.css', tmpl => 'Site.template', ); my $commonlist = 'Common'; my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename=>"$dir{conf}/$file{tmpl}"); my $tm = localtime; my $month = $tm -> mon+1; my $day = $tm -> mday; my $year = $tm -> year+1900; my $hour = $tm -> hour; my $minute = $tm -> min; my $second = $tm -> sec; # Tighten security a bit # from perldoc CGI and CGI Programming w/Perl p210 $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # probably not needed as no forms upload anyway $ENV{PATH} = ""; delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV',}; # (must precede untaint) # Set query param to site home if url is: # / /index.pl index.pl? /index.pl?page param('page','home') unless defined param('page'); # Untaint query param if ($query = param('page') =~ /^(\w+)$/) {$content = $1;} else {$content = 'Error';} # Build array that lists content files opendir DIR, "$dir{conf}/"; my @files = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' && $_ ne 'Common' && $_ ne 'Site.template' } readdir DIR; closedir DIR; unless (grep{$_ eq $content} @files) {$content = 'Error';} # define template varables $template-> param( TITLE => "$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} - $content", DAY => $day, MONTH => $month, YEAR => $year, HOUR => $hour, MINUTE => $minute, SECOND => $second, CSSFILE => $file{css}, CODEMOD => ctime(stat("$dir{web}/$file{perl}") -> mtime), CSSMOD => ctime(stat("$dir{web}/$file{css}") -> mtime), URLMOD => ctime(stat("$dir{conf}/$content") -> mtime), COMMONMOD => ctime(stat("$dir{conf}/$commonlist") -> mtime), TMPLMOD => ctime(stat("$dir{conf}/$file{tmpl}") -> mtime), PERLVER => $], CGIVER => $CGI::VERSION, HTMPLVER => $HTML::Template::VERSION, REMHOST => $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}, REMADDR => $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}, USERAGNT => $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}, SERVADDR => $ENV{'SERVER_ADDR'}, SERVNAME => $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}, WEBSERV => $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}, REFERER => $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}, #REMUSER => $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}, ); # Code to gen navbar links common to all pages unless (my $return = do "$dir{conf}/$commonlist") { die "Cannot parse $commonlist: $@" if $@; die "Cannot do $commonlist: $!" unless defined $return; die "Cannot run $commonlist" unless $return; } for (my $i = 0; $i < $#common_array; $i+=2) { my($loop, $aref) = @common_array[$i, $i+1]; my @vars; for (my $j = 0; $j < $#{$aref}; $j+=2) { my($name, $url) = @{$aref}[$j, $j+1]; push @vars, { name => $name, url => $url }; } $template->param($loop, [ @vars ]); } # Code to gen content and links unique to each page unless (my $return = do "$dir{conf}/$content") { die "Cannot parse $content: $@" if $@; die "Cannot do $content: $!" unless defined $return; die "Cannot run $content" unless $return; } $template->param(CONTENT => $text); for (my $i = 0; $i < $#url_array; $i+=2) { my($loop, $aref) = @url_array[$i, $i+1]; my @vars; for (my $j = 0; $j < $#{$aref}; $j+=2) { my($name, $url) = @{$aref}[$j, $j+1]; push @vars, { name => $name, url => $url }; } $template->param($loop, [ @vars ]); } # feed results through template, and voila! print header, $template->output; ############################################################### =pod =head1 Name index.pl =head1 Description Simple scripted website generator. Uses CGI.pm, HTML::Template, param('page') to eliminate dulication of code and markup. Also uses CSS to separate style from structure (as much as possible, anyway). =head1 Todos Hashamafy remaining scalar variables Research additional CGI security measures Parse "do content" for *short*list* of allowed Perl =head1 Associated files Site.template site.css bunch of content (text/link) files =head1 Updates 2001-05-10 21:35 Hashamafied some scalar variables. 2001-01-12 2000-12-20 =head1 Credits vroom for www.perlmonks.org (duh ;^) Ovid's tutorial for HTML::Template chipmunk provided code snippets for arrays of links+titles Petruchio, davorg, Ovid and chromatic for tips on untainting repson provided snippet for hash of links+titles used in initial code =head1 Author ybiC =cut ######################################################################### #### @common_array = ( commonloop1 => [ 'home' => 'index.pl?page=home', 'Christian' => 'index.pl?page=Christian', 'computing' => 'index.pl?page=computing', 'family' => 'index.pl?page=family', 'humor' => 'index.pl?page=humor', 'music' => 'index.pl?page=music', 'science' => 'index.pl?page=science', 'search' => 'index.pl?page=search', 'sports' => 'index.pl?page=sports', 'sundry' => 'index.pl?page=sundry', 'weather' => 'index.pl?page=weather', ], commonloop2 => [ 'O\'Reilly & Associates Inc' => 'http://www.oreilly.com', ], commonloop3 => [ 'permission' => 'http://perl.oreilly.com/usage/', ], ); ######################################################################### #### $text =' Welcome to Toy Template - buckets o\' links and a little content.
blah, blah, yada, yada, hummina, hummina. '; @url_array = ( urlloopA => [ 'weather' => 'http://www.weather.com/weather/cities/us_ne_omaha.html', 'pollen' => 'http://www.aaaai.org/scripts/nab/cityDetail.asp?City=Omaha&State=Ne&Region=midwest', 'Google' => 'http://www.google.com/', ], urlloopB => [ 'Perl Monks' => 'http://www.perlmonks.org/', 'SlashDot' => 'http://slashdot.org/', 'FreshMeat' => 'http://freshmeat.net/', 'Technocrat' => 'http://technocrat.net/', 'Debian Weekly' => 'http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/current/issue/', 'AlistApart' => 'http://alistapart.com/', 'Alertbox' => 'http://www.useit.com/alertbox/', 'Linux Gazette' => 'http://www.linuxgazette.com/', ], urlloopC => [ 'Doctor Fun' => 'http://metalab.unc.edu/Dave/Dr-Fun/latest.jpg', 'Doonesbury' => 'http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/dailydose/', 'Tank McNamara' => 'http://www.ucomics.com/tankmcnamara/', 'Robotman' => 'http://www.comics.com/comics/robotman/', 'UserFriendly' => 'http://www.userfriendly.org/static/', 'Tom Tomorrow' => 'http://www.thismodernworld.com/', ], ); ######################################################################### ##
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Referred by


Perl camel trademark ">
Used with ">
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## BODY { font-family : arial, sans-serif, geneva, helvetica, verdana; /* background-color : lime; */ background-color : beige; text-align : center; margin : 0; } A:visited { font-weight : normal; line-height : 140%; color : blue; } A:link { font-weight : normal; line-height : 140%; color : blue; } A:hover { font-weight : normal; line-height : 140%; color : red; background-color : yellow; } A:active { font-weight : bold; line-height : 140%; color : red; } .tr-plain { text-align : center; } .tiny { font-size : 55%; line-height : 135%; } .td-r { text-align : right; } .td-l { text-align : left; } .td-c { text-align : center; } .td-33 { width : 33%; } .t-contrast { background-color : white; text-align : center; border-width : 0; border-style : none; border-color : inherit; } .t-blend { text-align : center; border-width : 0; border-style : none; border-color : inherit; } .small { font-size : 65%; line-height : 135%; } .big { font-weight : bold; font-size : 130%; line-height : 200%; }