Usage: mdbget -db database -s 'select sql' [options] [query_param.list] or: [-db database] -f sql.file [options] [query_param.list] options: -l : label columns (print list of column names as first line of output) -d delim : set field delimiter to 'delim' (default delim is tab) "-d sp" and "-d ' '" both work to produce single-space delimited data "-d csv" will produce "true CSV" output, adding double-quotes as needed NOTE: only "-d csv" will quote fields containing the delimiter character (csv also turns on "-l", so column names are listed on first line) -w {norm|mark|keep} : control the treatment of whitespace within fields: "-w norm" (default) convert all whitespace strings to single space "-w mark" keep spaces as-is, convert newline to '\n', tab to '\t' "-w keep" make no alterations to white space at all query_param.list is needed if sql contains "?" placeholder(s) for param(s) #### #!/usr/bin/perl # Program: mdbget # Written by: David Graff # Purpose: general utility for running sql select statements # Command-line args give the mysql database name and an sql-statement # for doing a selection. Selection output is sent to stdout. # The sql-statement can be stored in a file and used by means of the # "-f sql.file" option; if the environment variable SQL_PATH is # defined, this will be searched for the sql.file if the file is not # found in the current directory, or in the directory that holds mdbget. # An sql.file may contain comment lines beginning with "#"; it is # possible to include a database name in the file as well (so # it won't be needed on the command line) on a line starting with # "##", e.g.: # ## -a account_name $Usage = <) { if ( /^(?:\#|--)/ && / -(db|a) (\w+)/ ) { $opt{db} = $1; } next if ( /^(?:\#|--)|^\s*$/ ); s/^\s*//; # remove leading whitespace s/\s*$/ /; # normalize trailing whitespace $sql .= $_; } close SCRPT; die "No suitable sql statement found in $opt{f}\n" unless ( $sql =~ /^\s*(select|show|describe)\s+/i ); die "No database name has been provided\n" unless ( $opt{db} =~ /^\w+$/ ); } $delim = "\t"; if ( $opt{d} ) { $delim = ( $opt{d} eq "sp" ) ? " " : $opt{d}; } @qm = ( $sql =~ /\?/g ); $nq = scalar(@qm); if ( $nq ) { $infile = ( @ARGV ) ? join( " ", @ARGV) : "stdin"; print STDERR "looking for $nq params per line from $infile...\n"; while (<>) { s/[\r\n]+$//; if ( $nq > 1 ) { @row = split( /$delim/ ); if ( scalar( @row ) != $nq ) { warn scalar(@row)," fields instead of $nq at line $. - skipped: $_\n"; next; } push( @data, [ @row ] ); } else { push( @data, [ $_ ] ); } } die "No usable input data for query parameters\n" unless (@data); } my $db = MysqlFunc->new( $opt{db} ); my $hdrline = ( $delim eq "csv" or $opt{l} ); if ( $hdrline and $sql =~ /\s*describe/i ) { @fields = qw/Field Type Null Key Default Extra/; printline( \@fields ); } if ( @data ) { $sqlop = $db->sqlPrep( $sql ); foreach $param ( @data ) { $grid = $db->queryGrid( $sqlop, $hdrline, $param ); ### (just a wrapper method for DBI::prepare/execute/fetchall_arrayref) foreach $row ( @$grid ) { printline( $row ); } } $db->sqlDone( $sqlop ); } else { $grid = $db->queryGrid( $sql, $hdrline ); foreach $row ( @$grid ) { printline( $row ); } } # In case output delimiter is set to CSV, implement these rules # (from node 151784): # # Here is a description of the basic CSV spec as implemented in most Microsoft products: # # 1. Rows are delimited by returns. (\r\n or \n depending on the platform, binmode, etc.) # 2. Fields within a row are delimited by ",". # 3. Fields may be quoted or unquoted. # 4. Quoted fields are literal text that start and end with an unpaired ". # Separators, returns, etc can appear within a quoted field, and " can appear doubled. # 5. Unquoted fields cannot contain the separator, returns, or quotation marks. # They are also subject to some interpretation. For instance numbers may appear # in floating point, and an empty field is a null (represented within Perl by undef # - very few parsers get this right). # 6. It is customary for the first row to be the field names, and for all rows to have # the same number of fields. sub printline { my @cols = @{$_[0]}; my $sep = $delim; if ( $opt{w} eq "norm" ) { foreach ( @cols ) { s/\s+/ /g; } } elsif ( $opt{w} eq "mark" ) { foreach ( @cols ) { s/\n/\\n/g; s/\r/\\r/g; s/\t/\\t/g; } } if ( $delim eq "csv" ) { $sep = ","; foreach ( @cols ) { s/\"/\"\"/g; # double all quotation marks present in field content $_ = '"' . $_ . '"' if ( /[\"\'\,]/ ); # bracket with "..." if necessary } } print join( $sep, @cols ) . "\n"; }