#!/usr/bin/perl =begin plans one class per task: inherit from superclass new(): no getopt module parses args must know how not to consume too much! cmd() builds commandline superclass: new() croaks run(): system( $self->cmd() ) die on error main program is dispatcher: pull mode from args construct object call run() modes: cd -- configure with defaults cf -- configure (no defaults) ch -- configure --help mk -- build pk -- package in configure modes: += => --enable- -= => --disable- -: => --with- +: => --without- =end plans =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item B<-h>, B<--help> =item B<--man> =item B<-c>, B<--configure> =item B<-m>, B<--make> =item B<-p>, B<--package> =item B<-i>, B<--install> =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-n>, B<--dry-run> =item B<-N>, B<--pkg-name> =item B<-E>, B<--ac-enable> =item B<-D>, B<--ac-disable> =item B<-W>, B<--ac-with> =item B<-O>, B<--ac-without> =item B<-V>, B<--ac-var> =item B<--pkg-info> =back =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHORS Aristotle Pagaltzis =head1 COPYRIGHT This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long 2.24, qw( :config bundling no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev ); use Cwd; use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir catfile tmpdir ); use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw( mkdtemp ); use File::Path; use POSIX qw( strftime ); use constant PWD => getcwd(); my %pkg_info = ( ver => 1, arch => do { chomp( $_ = qx/arch/ ); $_ }, ( basename( PWD ) =~ /\A(.*)-(.*)\z/ ? ( distname => $1, distver => $2 ) : ( distname => basename( PWD ), distver => "0.nover" ) ), ); GetOptions( 'h|help' => sub { pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) }, 'man' => sub { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) }, 'c|configure:s' => \my $opt_configure, 'm|make:s' => \my $opt_make, 'p|package' => \my $opt_package, 'i|install' => \my $opt_install, 'n|dry-run' => \my $opt_dryrun, 'N|pkg-name=s' => \my $opt_pkgname, 'E|ac-enable=s' => \my @ac_enable, 'D|ac-disable=s' => \my @ac_disable, 'W|ac-with=s' => \my @ac_with, 'O|ac-without=s' => \my @ac_without, 'V|ac-var=s' => \my %autoconf_var, 'pkg-info=s' => \%pkg_info, 'cvs' => sub { $pkg_info{ distver } = strftime( '%Y%m%d', localtime ) }, ) or pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ); $opt_pkgname = join( '-', @pkg_info{ qw( distname distver arch ver ) } ) . '.tgz' unless defined $opt_pkgname; if( not defined $autoconf_var{ prefix } ) { $autoconf_var{ prefix } ||= '/usr'; $autoconf_var{ sysconfdir } ||= catdir( '/etc', $pkg_info{ distname } ); $autoconf_var{ sharedstatedir } ||= '/var/com'; $autoconf_var{ localstatedir } ||= '/var'; } delete @autoconf_var{ grep !length $autoconf_var{ $_ }, keys %autoconf_var }; sub parse_features { map /\G ,? ( .+? (?: =.* \z | (?=,) | \z ) ) /xg, @_ } sub pull_argv { my @pulled; while ( @ARGV ) { my $curr = shift @ARGV; last if $curr eq '--'; push @pulled, $curr; } return @pulled; } sub run { if ( $opt_dryrun ) { print join( ' ', @_ ), "\n"; return 1; } return system( @_ ) == 0; } ############################################################################### my $success = 1; ############################################################################### if ( defined $opt_configure ) { $success = run( ( -x $opt_configure ? $opt_configure : './configure' ), map ( "--$_=$autoconf_var{$_}", sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %autoconf_var ), map ( "--enable-$_", parse_features @ac_enable ), map ( "--disable-$_", parse_features @ac_disable ), map ( "--with-$_", parse_features @ac_with ), map ( "--without-$_", parse_features @ac_without ), pull_argv(), ); } ############################################################################### print( "Configure failed.\n" ), exit 1 unless $success; ############################################################################### if ( defined $opt_make ) { $success = run( ( -x $opt_make ? $opt_make : 'make' ), pull_argv(), ); } ############################################################################### print( "Make failed.\n" ), exit 1 unless $success; ############################################################################### if ( $opt_package ) { unless ( $opt_dryrun or $< == 0 ) { print STDERR "Creating package as non-root. Continue (y/n)? "; last unless <> =~ /^\s*y/i; } my $tmpdir = $opt_dryrun ? '$tmpdir' : mkdtemp( catdir( tmpdir, 'slakmk.XXXXXXXX' ) ); chmod 0755, $tmpdir unless $opt_dryrun; my @cmd; ( @cmd = pull_argv() ) or ( @cmd = qw( make install DESTDIR=%d/ ) ); s/ \G ( %(.) | . ) / ( !defined $2 ) ? $1 : $2 eq '%' ? '%' : $2 eq 'd' ? $tmpdir : do { warn "Unknown format sequence '$1', ignoring\n"; '' } /xge for @cmd; run( @cmd ); chdir $tmpdir unless $opt_dryrun; $success = run( makepkg => -c => 'n', -l => 'y', catfile( PWD, $opt_pkgname ) ); chdir PWD unless $opt_dryrun; rmtree $tmpdir unless $opt_dryrun; } ############################################################################### print( "Package creation failed.\n" ), exit 1 unless $success; ############################################################################### $success = run( installpkg => catfile( PWD, $opt_pkgname ) ) if $opt_install; ############################################################################### print( "Installation failed.\n" ), exit 1 unless $success; ############################################################################### #### #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Copy qw(move); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use File::Basename qw(basename); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir no_upwards rootdir); use constant BASEDIR => do { require Cwd; Cwd::cwd() }; sub slurp_dir { my $dir = shift; opendir my ($dh), $dir or die "Couldn't read directory $dir: $!\n"; readdir $dh; } sub run_cmd { print "\t@_\n"; my $exit = system(@_); require POSIX; if (POSIX::WIFEXITED($exit)) { return 1 if POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($exit) == 0; print "\tReturned non-zero exit status\n"; return; } else { print "\tQuitting: Subprocess exited abnormally\n"; exit 1; } } sub mangle_targetdir { my ($exdir) = @_; my $basedir_rx = join '.?', map quotemeta, split /[-_ ]/, $exdir; my ($tarbase, @morefiles) = no_upwards(slurp_dir $exdir); my $exdir_tar = catdir($exdir, $tarbase); if (@morefiles or ! -d $exdir_tar or $tarbase !~ /\A$basedir_rx/i) { print "\tExtracted in $exdir\n"; return; } print "\tExtracted in $tarbase\n" if $tarbase ne $exdir; my $tempdir = tempdir(DIR => BASEDIR); my $tempdir_tar = catdir($tempdir, $tarbase); my $basedir_tar = catdir(BASEDIR, $tarbase); move $exdir_tar, $tempdir_tar and rmdir $exdir and move $tempdir_tar, $basedir_tar and rmdir $tempdir or print "\tFailed moving $exdir_tar to $basedir_tar: $!\n"; } sub run_in_dir { my $basename = basename shift; mkdir $basename; run_cmd(@_); mangle_targetdir($basename); } GetOptions( 'list|l!' => \(my $list = ''), 'overwrite|o!' => \(my $overwrite = ''), 'remove|r!' => \(my $remove = ''), ) and @ARGV or die "usage: FIXME\n"; # FIXME my %ext = $list ? ( zip => sub { local %_ = @_; unzip => -l => $_{archive} }, tar => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => tv => -f => $_{archive}, }, tgz => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => tv => '--gzip', -f => $_{archive}, }, tbz2 => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => tv => '--bzip2', -f => $_{archive}, }, tarz => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => tv => '--compress', -f => $_{archive}, }, ) : ( zip => sub { local %_ = @_; unzip => -q => -d => $_{dir}, $_{archive} }, tar => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => x => -f => $_{archive}, -C => $_{dir}, }, tgz => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => x => '--gzip', -f => $_{archive}, -C => $_{dir}, }, tbz2 => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => x => '--bzip2', -f => $_{archive}, -C => $_{dir}, }, tarz => sub { local %_ = @_; tar => x => '--compress', -f => $_{archive}, }, ); @ext{qw(tar.gz tar.bz2 tar.z tar.Z)} = @ext{qw(tgz tbz2 tarz tarz)}; my $rx = join '|', map quotemeta, keys %ext; $rx = qr/\A (.*) \. ($rx) \z/ix; select(STDERR); for (@ARGV) { print "\n$_:\n"; if (-f and my ($basename, $ext) = m/$rx/) { $list ? run_cmd($ext{$ext}->(archive => $_, dir => $basename)) : run_in_dir($basename, $ext{$ext}->(archive => $_, dir => $basename)); } elsif (not $list and -d) { my $basename = basename catdir $_; my $rootdir = quotemeta rootdir; $basename =~ s/\A$rootdir\z/rootdir/; $basename .= '.tar.bz2'; -e $basename ? print "$basename already exists\n" : run_cmd(tar => c => '--bzip2', -f => $basename, $_); } else { print "\tNo handler found\n"; } }