The Perldoc Perlfunc Quiz! Answer '?' for a hint, 'q' to quit. Anything else for an answer. Hint: This call is actually implemented in terms of foofrom(2) system call. ? Hint: Attempts to receive LENGTH characters of data into variable SCALAR from the specified SOCKET filehandle. recv Yes, well done! Hint: Has no effect if the variable is not tied. untie Yes, well done! Hint: If EXPR is omitted, uses $_ . ? Hint: If EXPR is omitted, uses $_ . ? Hint: Returns the value of EXPR with the first character in uppercase (titlecase in Unicode). uc No! It was `ucfirst'. q 2 answered, 3 correct = 66.6666666% correct 3 extra hints used = 1 per question Thanks for playing! #### #!/usr/bin/env perl # The Great Perldoc Perlfunc Quiz! # by abcde. use strict; my $perlfunc = `perldoc -l perlfunc`; # Where is perlfunc? my @functions = (); my @sentences = (); my $answered = 0; my $correct = 0; my $hints = 0; $SIG{INT} = \&finale; # Show the scores when we quit open( QS, $perlfunc ) or die("Can't open $perlfunc: $!"); while () { last if /^=head2 Perl Functions by Category/; } while () { last if /^\*/; s/C//g; # These do not work s/C<-I>//g; # Because of POD formatting while (1) { if (/C<(.*?)>/) { push @functions, $1; s/C<$1>//; } else { last; } } } srand(time); # Make the game slightly easier @functions = grep { !/^[sg]et/ } @functions; @functions = grep { !/^end/ } @functions; # Now we have a list of all the functions # So play the game! print "The Perldoc Perlfunc Quiz!\n"; print "Answer '?' for a hint, 'q' to quit.\n"; print "Anything else for an answer.\n\n"; do { # Pick a random function my $function = $functions[ int rand scalar @functions ]; # Find some sentences seek QS, 0, 0; while () { last if /^=item $function/; } my $sentence = ""; while () { next if (/^\s/); if (/^=item (.*?)\b/) { last unless (/^=item $function/); } else { chomp; $sentence .= "$_ ";# if $_ =~ /$function/; ? } } $sentence =~ s/\b$function/\033[36mfoo\033[0m/ig; # Disguisery! $sentence =~ s/.<(.*?)>/$1/g; # Strip all POD formatting @sentences = split /\.\b/, $sentence; @sentences = grep ( length $_ > 3, @sentences ); # Remove silly hints @sentences = grep ( /[a-zA-Z]/, @sentences ); while (1) { my $hint = $sentences[ int rand scalar @sentences ]; $hint .= ")" if $hint =~ /^\(/; print("Hint: $hint\n"); my $in = lc ; chomp $in; if ( $in eq "hint" or $in eq "?" ) { $hints++; next; } if ( $in eq "quit" or $in eq "q" ) { finale(); } if ( $in eq $function ) { print "Yes, well done!\n\n"; $answered++; $correct++; last; } else { print "No! It was `$function'!\n\n"; $answered++; last; } } } while (1); sub finale { if ( $answered == 0 ) { print "0 answered, 0 correct = 0%\n"; print "I hope for your sake you nuked that level\n"; exit; } print "$answered answered, $correct correct = " . $correct / $answered * 100 . "% correct\n"; print "$hints extra hints used = " . $hints / $answered . " per question\n"; print "Thanks for playing!\n"; close(QS); exit; }