#!/usr/bin/perl # This is a quick program to calculate pi using the Monte Carlo method. # I recomend inputting a value for $cycles greater that 1000. # I am working on a detailed explanation of how and why this works. # I will add it as soon as I'm done. use strict; open(PI, ">>pi.dat") || die "pi.dat"; my ($i, $j, $yespi, $pi) = 1; my $cycles = 1; srand; while ($j <= 100000) { $cycles = $j; while ($i <= $cycles) { my ($x, $y, $cdnt) = 1; $x = rand; $y = rand; $cdnt = $x**2 + $y**2; if ($cdnt <= 1) { ++$yespi; } $i=$i + 10; $pi = ($yespi / ($cycles / 10)) * 4; # since I add 10 every time. print PI "$cycles $pi\n"; } $j = $j + 10; } close(PI) || die "pi.dat";