use Net::Telnet (); $host = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 30, Prompt => '/[%#>] $/'); $prompt = '_funkyPrompt_'; $host -> open($hostname); $host -> login($username, $passwd); $host -> prompt("/$prompt\$/"); $host -> cmd("set prompt = '$prompt'"); $host -> cmd("..."); $host -> close; #### max_buffer_length - maximum size of input buffer $len = $obj->max_buffer_length; $prev = $obj->max_buffer_length($len); This method designates the maximum size of the input buffer. An error is generated when a read causes the buffer to exceed this limit. The default value is 1,048,576 bytes (1MB). The input buffer can grow much larger than the block size when you continuously read using getline() or waitfor() and the data stream contains no newlines or matching waitfor patterns. With no argument this method returns the current maximum buffer length set in the object. With an argument it sets the maximum buffer length to $len and returns the previous value.