#!/usr/bin/perl -w # errdis.pl # pod at tail use strict; use Net::Telnet::Cisco; use Term::ReadKey; use Term::ReadLine; my %parm = ( tntimeout => 30, pwtimeout => 60, errmode => 'return', ); my %file = ( in => 'errdis.in', tmp0 => 'errdis.tmp0', tmp1 => 'errdis.tmp1', out => 'errdis.out', ); my @tmpfiles = qw( $file{tmp0} $file{tmp1} ); my @commands = ( 'set leng 0', # CatOS no '--More--' scrolling 'sho port st', # meat n' potatos ); my @keeplines = ( # lines of text to be kept 'sho port st', 'errdis', # 'auto', # 'connected', # ' 10 ', # ' 100 ', ); ########################################################################## Usage() unless ((@ARGV) or (-s $file{in} && -T_)); # $file{tmp1} must be present or errors if first device unreachable open (TMP1, ">$file{tmp1}") or die "Error opening $file{tmp1} WO: $!"; close (TMP1) or die "Error closing $file{tmp1}: $1"; ########################################################################## # noecho *before* prompting for password - isotope # don't need privilaged mode for 'sho port st' # Win32 - "Non-blocking ReadLine is not supported on this architecture" ReadMode('noecho'); print "\n", " Prompting for password\n", " (*not* echoed to screen nor written to disk)\n\n", ' Enter password: '; my $pass; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { chomp ($pass = ); } else { $pass = ReadLine($parm{pwtimeout}); } ReadMode('restore'); unless (defined($pass)) { print "\n\nSorry, you waited too long to enter the password.\n\n"; exit; } ########################################################################## unless (@ARGV) { print "\n Using $file{in} for input\n"; @ARGV = $file{in}; chomp (@ARGV = <>); } ########################################################################## print "\n Starting port status check, shouldn't take long...\n"; for my $cisco (@ARGV) { if (my $cs=Net::Telnet::Cisco->new( host => $cisco, timeout => $parm{tntimeout}, errmode => $parm{errmode}, input_log => $file{tmp0}, ) ) { $cs->login('',$pass); # vty login print ' ', $cs->last_prompt, ' '; # print to console for(@commands) { my @output = $cs->cmd($_); } print $cs->last_prompt, "\n"; # print to console $cs->close; # exit session open (TMP0, "<$file{tmp0}") or die "Error opening $file{tmp0} RO: $!"; open (TMP1, ">>$file{tmp1}") or die "Error opening $file{tmp1} for append: $!"; while () { print TMP1 $_; } close (TMP0) or die "Error closing $file{tmp0}: $!"; close (TMP1) or die "Error closing $file{tmp1}: $!"; } else { warn "Error connecting to $cisco\n"; } # if telnet connect fail } unlink ($file{tmp0}) or die "Error unlinking $file{tmp0}: $!"; print " Finished port status check.\n"; ########################################################################## print " Extracting lines of interest...\n"; open (TMP1, "<$file{tmp1}") or die "Error opening $file{tmp1} RO: $!"; open (OUT, ">$file{out}") or die "Error opening $file{out} WO: $!"; while () { foreach my $keep(@keeplines) { if (/$keep/i) { print OUT $_; print; } } } close (TMP1) or die "Error closing $file{tmp1}: $!"; unlink ($file{tmp1}) or die "Error unlinking $file{tmp1}: $!"; close (OUT) or die "Error closing $file{out}: $!"; ########################################################################## print " Finished parsing results.\n", " Output at $file{out}\n\n\a"; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { print " to exit."; (); exit; } ########################################################################## sub Usage { print < to continue, ctrl-C to quit.\n"; (); } ########################################################################## =head1 Name errdis.pl =head1 Summary Report on 'errdisabled' ports at Cisco CatOS LAN switch(es). =head1 Usage errdis.pl switch1 switch2 switch3 will query the 3 named (or numbered) switches for port status errdis.pl with no arguments will read $file{in} for list of switches to query. $file{in} would be a text file that looks like this: switch1 switch2 switch3 ASCII text file One IP address or DNS name per line FQDN if targets in different DNS domain No leading/trailing spaces No blank lines =head1 Tested with: Perl 5.00504 Debian 2.2r3 ActivePerl Win2kPro against: Cisco Catalyst 6000, 5000, 4000, 2948g =head1 Updated 2001-05-07 16:00 List contents of outfile to console. 2001-05-04 10:55 Minor format tweaks. 2001-05-03 17:30 Initial working code (started from existing cdp-n.pl). Posted to PerlMonks. =head1 ToDos Prompt for (or accept switches using GetOpt::Long) (errdis|auto|connected| 10 | 100 ). Debug non-fatal error only seen on Win32: Argument "" isn't numeric in number gt (>> at Telnet.pm line 2569, line 1. Use File::Slurp to append log (avoid race condition). Use File::Temp instead of multiple temp files. =head1 Author ybiC =cut