print mine ("Terence and Philip are sweet", 'c', 'Z', 3); #### sub crep { my ($str, $chr, $rep, $nth) = @_; my $pos = 0; while (--$nth > 0) { $pos = index $str, $chr, $pos; last if $pos < 0; $pos++; } substr ($str, $pos) =~ s/$chr/$rep/g if $pos >= 0; return $str; } #### sub crep { my ($str, $chr, $rep, $num) = @_; my $tstr = ''; $tstr .= substr $str, 0, (1 + index $str, $chr), '' while --$num; $str =~ s/$chr/$rep/g; $tstr.$str; } #### sub crep { my ($str, $chr, $rep, $num) = @_; $str !~ /$chr/g and return $str while $num--; substr ($str, -1 + pos $str) =~ s/$chr/$rep/g; return $str; } #### sub crep { my ($str, $chr, $rep, $nth) = @_; my $pos = 0; ($pos = index $str, $chr, $pos)++ < 0 and return $str while --$nth; substr ($str, $pos) =~ s/$chr/$rep/g; return $str; }