$str = Unicode::Normalize::NFKD($str); $str =~ s/\p{NonspacingMark}//g; #### ## Demonstrate stripping of diacritical marks from Unicode strings ## April 2010, Bryce Nesbitt, Berkeley Electronic Press ## See also http://unicodelookup.com/ ## See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacritic ## Keywords: perl, diacritic, diacritical ## accent, iso-8859-1, normalization. use utf8; # Tell perl source code is utf-8 use 5.10.0; use Unicode::Normalize; # Sample: "latin small letter e with circumflex and tilde" ễ # "latin small ligature ff" (will be expanded) # "latin small ligature oe" (won't be expanded) $str = shift || "\x{1ec5} märks \x{fb00} \x{153}"; say "Input: ".debug_chatty_string($str); # Decompose into letter and combining marks, in "Kompatibility" mode $str = NFKD($str); say "NFKD : ".debug_chatty_string($str); # Remove combining marks $str =~ s/\p{NonspacingMark}//g; $str = lc($str); say "Out : ".debug_chatty_string($str); sub debug_chatty_string { my $outstring; # Use shift below, so utf-8 flag is preserved. # Else you might have to fiddle with Encode::_utf8_on() foreach $char (split //,shift) { my $ord = ord($char); if(($ord >= 32 && $ord < 127) || $ord == 10) { $outstring .= $char; } else { $outstring .= "<0x".sprintf("%x",$ord).">"; } } return $outstring; } #### Input: <0x1ec5> m<0xe4>rks <0xfb00> <0x153> NFKD : e<0x302><0x303> ma<0x308>rks ff <0x153> Out : e marks ff <0x153>