#!/usr/bin/perl package Board; use warnings; use strict; use Scalar::Util 'refaddr'; use constant _CROSS => ([0, 0], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]); my %click; sub new { my ($class, $value) = @_; my $board = []; @$board = map [($value) x 14], 1 .. 13; push @$board, [($value) x 7]; $click{refaddr($board)} = [map ([(0) x 14], 1 .. 13), [(0) x 7]]; bless $board, $class; return $board; } # new sub finished { my $board = shift; return not grep {grep $_, @$_} @$board; } # finished sub show { my $board = shift; for my $row (@$board) { return unless defined $row; print map $_ ? '*' : defined $_ ? '.' : '', @$row; print "\n"; } } # show sub _cross { my ($board, $x, $y) = @_; my @cross = grep { $_->[0] >= 0 and $_->[1] >= 0 and ref $board->[$_->[1]] and defined $board->[$_->[1]][$_->[0]] } map [$x + $_->[0], $y + $_->[1]], _CROSS; return @cross; } # _cross sub toggle { my ($board, $x, $y) = @_; my $old = $board->[$y][$x]; return unless defined $old; $board->[$y][$x] = $old eq 1 ? 0 : 1; } # toggle sub at { my ($board, $x, $y) = @_; return if $x < 0 or $y < 0 or not ref $board->[$y] or not defined $board->[$y][$x]; return $board->[$y][$x]; } # at sub around { my ($board, $x, $y) = @_; return map $board->at(@$_), $board->_cross($x, $y); } # around sub click { my ($board, $x, $y) = @_; return unless defined $board->[$y][$x]; $click{refaddr($board)}[$y][$x] = ! $click{refaddr($board)}[$y][$x]; $board->toggle($_->[0], $_->[1]) for $board->_cross($x, $y); } # click sub row { my ($board, $y) = @_; return @{ $board->[$y] }; } # row sub clean { my $board = shift; for my $y (1 .. 13) { for my $x (0 .. 13) { $board->click($x, $y) if $board->at($x, $y-1); } } } # clean sub lastrow { my $board = shift; return map $board->at($_, 13 - ($_ > 6)), (0 .. 13); } # lastrow sub history { my $board = shift; return unless ref $click{refaddr($board)}; my @h = @{ $click{refaddr($board)} }; print map ($_ ? 1 : '0', @$_),"\n" for @h; } # history ########################################################## package main; use warnings; use strict; sub stringify { return join q[], map $_ ? 1 : 0, @_; } # stringify if (@ARGV) { my $b = Board->new(1); open my $IN, '<', $ARGV[0] or die $!; while (<$IN>) { chomp; for my $i (0 .. length()-1 ) { $b->click($i, $.-1) if substr $_, $i, 1; } $b->show; } } else { my %cache; for my $i (0 .. 13) { my $b = Board->new(0); $b->click($i, 0); $b->clean; my $k = stringify($b->lastrow); $cache{$k} = $i; } delete $cache{'0' x 14}; my $board = Board->new(1); while (1) { $board->clean; my $last = stringify($board->lastrow); if (exists $cache{$last}) { $board->click($cache{$last}, 0); } elsif (not $board->finished) { $board->click(int rand 13, int rand 2) for 1 .. 1 + int rand 5; } else { last; } } $board->history; }