package Tie::Static; $VERSION = 0.01; foreach my $type (qw(Hash Array Scalar)) { my $meth = uc($type); eval qq( package Tie::Static::$type; require Tie::$type; \@ISA = 'Tie::Std$type'; sub TIE$meth { my \$class = shift; my \$id = join "|", caller(), \@_; return \$preserved{\$id} ||= \$class->SUPER::TIE$meth(); } sub Tie::Static::TIE$meth { shift; unshift \@_, 'Tie::Static::$type'; goto &Tie::Static::$type\::TIE$meth; } ) or die $@; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tie::Static - create static lexicals =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tie::Static; sub foo { tie (my $static_scalar, 'Tie::Static'); tie (my @static_array, 'Tie::Static'); tie (my %static_hash, 'Tie::Static'); # do whatever you want } =head1 DESCRIPTION This module makes it easy to produce static variables. A static variable is a variable whose value will remain constant from invocation to invocation. The usual way to produce this is to create an enclosing scope which contains a lexically scoped variable. For instance the example above could be written as: { my $static_scalar; my @static_array; my %static_hash; sub foo { # Do whatever you want } } But while this works, many people find it cumbersome to have to produce new scopes manually just to get a static variables. This module provides an alternate solution by providing a way to tie lexical variables back to the same value each time. As an additional feature, this module supports "modal statics". If you pass additional arguments into the tie, those arguments will be factored into the decision of what static you get. =head1 BUGS This module uses the feedback from I to decide what static to give you back. While this is good enough for most possible uses of statics, it is not always right. Aside from the possibility of someone deliberately confusing I, closures will not, in general, be distinguished from each other since two instances will have the same package, filename, and line number. You might argue that it is easy enough to solve that by passing in a unique lexically scoped variable as a mode. And it is. But in that case the lexical that is your mode is already a static and it would usually make more sense to create more lexicals in that scope. This only allows static scalars, arrays, and hashes. If you want to overload the implementation of a static, please note that scalars, arrays, and hashes are not tied to the package Tie::Static. Instead they are tied to the private packages Tie::Static::Scalar, Tie::Static::Array, and Tie::Static::Hash. =head1 AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT Ben Tilly ( Copyright 2001. This may be modified and distributed on the same terms as Perl.