$a=2; $a=3; print $a+$b #arithmetic operator prints 5 print $a.$b #string operator prints 2 plus the three or 23 print $a*$b #arithmetic operator prints 6 print $a x $b #string operators prints $a $b times or 2 three times. ie 222 #### $a=3; $b="x"; $c=4; $a*=3; #$a=$a*3; $a now equal to 9; $a/=3; #$a=$a/3; $a (9) divided by three which equals 3; $a+=2; #$a=$a+2; $a is now equal to 5; $a-=2; #$a=$a-2; $a is now equal to 3; $b x=3; #$b=$b x $3 $b is now equal to "xxx"; $b .="33"; #b=$b."33" $b is now equal to "xxx33"; #### $a=1; print $a++; #prints a as one then adds 1 to it print $a; #now $a is 2 print ++$a; #adds one to $a and then prints its value which is now 3; print $a--; #prints 3 then subtracts one from $a;