#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Path::Tiny; use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::UserAgent; # get current directory my $dir = Path::Tiny->cwd; # for each html file for ( $dir->children( qr/\.htm$/ ) ){ # read the contents into a variable my $html = path( $_->basename )->slurp; # get the dom my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $html ); # find all links for( $dom->find('a')->each ){ # get target href my $url = $_->attr('href'); say "checking link $url"; # use Mojo::UserAgent to check if link is alive my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; my $res; eval { $res = $ua->max_redirects(5)->head( $url )->result }; # if an error is thrown if ( $@ ){ warn "$url seems dead, removing parent"; $_->parent->remove; } # play nice sleep(10); } # save file path( $_->basename )->spew($dom->content); }