chexmix has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Holidayish Greetings, Monks --

Today I had to whip up a quick script, which typically makes me nervous, and I noticed something that to my still-baby-Perl eyes seemed ... well, interesting, I guess.

I had to create some reports from a couple of tab-delimited text files, so as I usually do, I opened filehandles to them:

open (my $INFILE_1, '<', 'name_o_file.txt') || croak "Cannot open input file: $!\n";

... and same deal for a second file / handle.

I then created subroutines to create the reports, and tried passing the filehandles into the subroutines. It worked fine for the first subroutine, but when I passed the same filehandles to a SECOND subroutine ... nothing happened. No output. It was as though I had not called that second subroutine at all.

I only explicitly closed the filehandles after the second subroutine call.

Just because I got desperate, I tried creating TWO MORE filehandles to the same files, and passing those to the second subroutine. This worked.

What is happening here? Do filehandles get auto-closed when they are passed to a subroutine and the subroutine returns?

(this is probably really basic, but somehow I have never encountered it before).

UPDATE: of course, I should _think_ before I post (and post code as well)

Here is what doesn't work:

open(my $CDA1, '<', 'cda1_raw.txt') || croak "Cannot open input file 1: $!\n"; open(my $CDA2, '<', 'cda2_raw.txt') || croak "Cannot open input file 2: $!\n"; report_one($CDA1, 'cda1_boffle.txt'); report_one($CDA2, 'cda2_boffle.txt'); report_two($CDA1, $CDA2, $dbh); close $CDA1; close $CDA2;

And here is what worked:

open(my $CDA1, '<', 'cda1_raw.txt') || croak "Cannot open input file 1: $!\n"; open(my $CDA2, '<', 'cda2_raw.txt') || croak "Cannot open input file 2: $!\n"; report_one($CDA1, 'cda1_boffle.txt'); report_one($CDA2, 'cda2_boffle.txt'); open(my $CDA3, '<', 'cda1_raw.txt') || croak "Cannot open input file: $!\n"; open(my $CDA4, '<', 'cda2_raw.txt') || croak "Cannot open input file: $!\n"; report_three ($CDA3, $CDA4, $dbh); close $CDA1; close $CDA2; close $CDA3; close $CDA4;
And here is the report_one sub:
sub report_one { my ($input_handle, $output_name) = @_; open(my $OUT, '>', "$output_name") || croak "Cannot open output file: $!\n"; my $current_host = ""; my %host_counts; my @rows = (<$input_handle>); foreach ( @rows ) { my ($date, $time, $host, $bytes, $bytes_sec, $server) += split /\t/; if ( ( $bytes < 1000000 ) || ( $bytes == $bytes_sec ) +) { next; } if ( $host eq $current_host ) { $host_counts{$host}{bytes} += $bytes; $host_counts{$host}{speed} += $bytes_sec; $host_counts{$host}{count}++; } else { $host_counts{$host}{bytes} = $bytes; $host_counts{$host}{speed} = $bytes_sec; $host_counts{$host}{count} = 1; } $current_host = $host; } foreach my $heauxst ( keys %host_counts ){ my $avg_speed = int( $host_counts{$heauxst}{speed} / $ +host_counts{$heauxst}{count} ); print $OUT "$heauxst\t$host_counts{$heauxst}{bytes}\t$ +avg_speed\n"; } close $OUT; return; }