In a response to a SOPW post, I wrote:
while (<>) { if (/^#ERRORS/ .. /^CELLS/) { push(@errors, $_); } elsif (/^CELLS/ .. /^\s*$/) { push(@errors, $_); } else { ...; # other processing } }

Which doesn't work.

Occurs to me that it might be a useful enhancement to allow .. conditionX to be an additional stage to the preceding condition1 .. condition2, creating a linked cascade of flip-flops:

if (/match1/ .. /match2/) { doStage1(); } elsif (.. /match3/) { doStage2(); } elsif (.. /match4/) { doStage3(); } else { doOtherProcessing(); }

The semantics would be an extension of .. In the second example, match1 would trigger stage 1 (doStage1() will be called). Then match2 will end stage 1 and trigger stage 2 (doStage2() will be called). Then match3 ends stage 2 and triggers stage 3 (doStage3() will be called). Finally, match4 resets the cascade.


Updated to mention the first example doesn't work.

Updated second example and the description of the semmantics.