in reply to sysread blocking ??

sysread returning 0 means "connection was closed".
sysread returning undef means "connection is still open but no data is available at this time, or some other error".

Your code wasn't doing what you documented.

#!/usr/bin/perl use diagnostics; use strict 'subs'; use strict 'refs'; use Socket; use IO::Handle; my $child; #filehandle to child process my $parent; #filehandle to parent process my $pid; #Process ID of child process # r e a d L i n e # This expects to read one line (\n-terminated, but the newline is cho +mped). # Returns the line, which will be empty if no characters are waiting t +o be read. sub readLine { my ($fh) = @_; my $buf = ''; my $offset = 0; my $cnt = 0; my $stat; do { $stat = sysread $fh, $buf, 4096-$offset, $offset; # die "sysread: $!\n" unless defined($stat); return '' unless defined($stat); ############ DOING WHAT YOU D +OCUMENTED $offset += $stat; } while ($stat and "\n" ne substr($buf, -1)); chomp $buf; #print STDERR time%100, " #readLine returning <$buf>\n"; return $buf; } #readLine() # w r i t e L i n e # Writes a buffer to the filehandle. sub writeLine { my ($fh, $buf) = @_; my $offset = 0; my $remaining = length($buf); do { my $stat = syswrite($fh, $buf, $remaining, $offset); die "syswrite: $!\n" unless defined($stat); $remaining -= $stat; $offset += $stat; } while (0 < $remaining); } #writeLine() socketpair($child, $parent, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!"; $child->autoflush(1); $parent->autoflush(1); $child->blocking(0) or die "blocking: $!\n"; ######### CHANGED #$parent->blocking(0) or die "blocking: $!\n"; if ($pid = fork()) { #parent close $parent or die "close: $!\n"; while (1) { sleep 1; print STDOUT time%100, ": polling child\n"; if (my $line = readLine($child)) { print STDOUT time%100, ": received <$line>\n"; if ('E_O_F' eq $line) { my $stat = wait; die "wait returned $stat\n" unless $stat == $pid; print STDOUT time%100, ": child reaped, parent exiting +\n"; exit 0; } } else { print STDOUT time%100, ": no input from child yet\n"; } } } else { #child die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid; close $child or die "close: $!\n"; writeLine($parent, time%100 . ": child started\n"); sleep 6; writeLine($parent, time%100 . ": child wrote again\n"); sleep 2; writeLine($parent, "E_O_F\n"); #causes termination close $parent or die "close: $!\n"; print STDOUT time%100, ": child exiting\n"; exit; }


51: polling child 51: received <50: child started> 52: polling child 52: no input from child yet 53: polling child 53: no input from child yet 54: polling child 54: no input from child yet 55: polling child 55: no input from child yet 56: polling child 56: received <56: child wrote again> 57: polling child 57: no input from child yet 58: child exiting 58: polling child 58: received <E_O_F> 58: child reaped, parent exiting

Is this what you wanted?