++eyepopslikeamosquito's post (a reply in an unrelated SoPW thread) inspired me to look at Acme::EyeDrops.

After playing around with that module for a bit, I realised that some of the obfucation code images looked a bit like blown-up versions of emoji. It then occurred to me that not only could I get large, very easy to see, representations of emoji, but I could also use those images to get back the original Unicode® emoji character. Here's a couple of examples.

Firstly, a very straightforward one that only required one shape.

$ perl -C -e 'print "\x{1f56f}\n"'
$ cat candle.txt ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( '' ) ) ))) ) ) ) ) ) ))))) ) =~("\(". ( ( '?')).'{' . ( ( '`')|'%') .('['^ ( '-') ) . ( '`'|'!') . ('`'|"\,"). '"'.('['^"\.").( '['^'(').('`'|('%')).( '{'^'[').('`'|'/').(('[')^ '+').('`'|'%').('`'|'.').( '{'^'[').('['^'*').("\["^ ',').'\\'.'{'.':'.(('[')^ '(').('['^'/').('`'|'$').( '{'^'[').':'.('`'|'%').('`' |'.').('`'|'#').('`'|"\/").( '`'|'$').('`'|')').(('`')| '.').('`'|"'").'('.(('{')^ '.').('{'^'/').('`'^'&' ).'-'.(':'&'=').')'.''. '\\'.'}'.';'.('!'^'+'). ('['^'+').('['^(')')).( '`'|')').('`'|'.').('[' ^'/').('{'^'[').('\\'). '"'.'\\'.'\\'.('['^'#') .'\\'.'{'.('^'^('`'|'/' )).('`'|'&').('^'^('`'| ( '+'))).('^'^('`'|'(')). ('`'|'&') .'\\'.'}'.'\\'.('\\').( ( ( '`'))|('.')). '\\'.'"'.';'.('!'^'+'). ( '"')."\}". ')');$:='.'^"\~"; $~='@'|'(';$^=')'^"\["; $/='`'|'.';$,='(' ^+ '}';$\='`'|'!';$:=')'^'}';$~='*'|'`' ;$^='+'^'_';$/="\&"| (( '@'));$,='['&'~';$\=','^'|';$:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'('; ($^) =')'^'[';$/='`'|"\."; $, = ( ( ( '(')))^"\}"; $\='`'|'!';$:= ')'^'}';$~='*'|'`' ;$^='+'^'_';$/='&' |(( '@' ));
$ perl -Mre=eval candle.txt

And a tad more complicated one that required two shapes.

$ perl -C -e 'print "\x{1f459}\n"'
$ cat bikini.txt ''=~('('. '?'.'{'.( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( ( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( (( ( (( (( (( (( (( (( ( ( (( ( (( (( ( (( (( (( ( (( (( (( ( ( (( (( ( (( (( (( (( ( (( ( (( (( ( (( (( (( (( '`' )))) ) )) )))) ))))) )) )) )))))) ))))))) )) )) ))))))) ))))))))) )) )) ))))))))) ))))))))))))) ))))))))))))) ))))))))))))) ))))))))|'%'). ('['^'-').('`'| '!').('`'|"\,"). '"'.('['^'.').('['^ '(').('`'|('%')).( '{'^'[').('`'|"\/").( '['^'+').('`'|('%')).( '`'|'.').('{'^'[').("\["^ '*').('['^',').'\\'.('{'). ':'.('['^'(').('['^('/')).( '`'|'$').('{'^'[').':'.("\`"| '%').('`'|'.').('`'|'#').('`'|'/').('`'|'$').('`'|')').('`' |'.').('`'|"'").'('.('{'^'.').('{'^'/').('`'^'&').('-').( ':'&'=').')'.'\\'.'}'.';'.('!'^'+').('['^'+').('['^')') .('`'|')').('`'|'.').( '['^'/').('{'^('[')). '\\'.'"'.('\\'). '\\'.('['^'#'). '\\'.'{'. ('^'^('`' |'/')).('`'|'&').('^'^('`'|'*')).('^'^('`'|'+')).((';')& '=').'\\'.'}'.'\\'.'\\'.('`'|'.').'\\'.'"'.';'.('!'^'+') .'"'.'}'.')');$:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/=('`')| '.';$,='('^'}';$\='`'|'!';$:=')'^'}';$~='*'|'`';$^="\+"^ '_';$/='&'|'@';$,='['&'~';$\=','^'|';$:='.'^'~';$~="\@"| '(';$^=')'^'[';$/='`'|'.';$,='('^'}';$\='`'|'!';$:="\)"^ '}';$~='*'|'`';$^='+'^'_';$/='&'|'@';$,='['&'~';$\ =','^'|';$:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/ ='`'|'.';$,='('^'}';$\='`'|'!';$:=')'^ '}';$~='*'|'`';$^='+'^'_';$/="\&"| '@';$,='['&'~';$\=','^"\|";$:= '.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^ '[';$/='`'|'.';$,=('(')^ '}';$\='`'|'!';$:=')'^ '}';$~='*'|('`');$^= '+'^'_';$/='&'|'@' ;$,='['&"\~";$\= ','^'|';$:='.' ^'~';$~=('@')| '(';$^="\)"^ '[';$/="\`";
$ perl -Mre=eval bikini.txt

In case you were wondering why one is coloured and the other isn't: CANDLE (U+1F56F) does not have the Emoji_Presentation property, so it defaults to text style; BIKINI (U+1F459) does have that property, so it defaults to emoji style. If this interests you, see "Text vs Emoji, v13.1" for specific information, and "Unicode® Emoji Charts v13.1" for links to more general discussions.

Finally, in case it wasn't obvious, this was intended as a bit of tongue-in-cheek fun. My eyesight is not so poor that I need foot-high images to tell one emoji from another. 👁️ 😕 👓 😃

— Ken