in reply to PadWalker's closed_over - but for our variables?

I looked at the current source of B::Deparse, and so far I've found two functions that are responsible for looking up variables. Hooking into these is a hackish way to get the variable names :-) There may be more things that need to be hooked (Update: and the final example shows it's not perfect), but perhaps this is a starting point:

use warnings; use strict; use B::Deparse; use Data::Dump; use Hook::LexWrap; my $deparse = B::Deparse->new(); $deparse->ambient_pragmas(strict=>'all', warnings=>'all'); wrap 'B::Deparse::stash_variable', post => sub { my $rv = pop @_; my ($self, $prefix, $name, $cx) = @_; dd 'stash_variable', $prefix, $name, $rv; }; wrap 'B::Deparse::stash_variable_name', post => sub { my $rv = pop @_; my ($self, $prefix, $gv) = @_; dd 'stash_variable_name', $prefix, $rv; }; our $foo = "World"; my $bar = "Hello"; our @foo = 1..3; my @bar = 4..5; our %foo = ( abc => 444 ); my %bar = ( def => 222 ); our $ref = { xyz => 123 }; $deparse->coderef2text(sub { print "$bar, $foo\n"; print "@foo @bar\n"; print "$foo[1] $bar[1]\n"; my %dummy = %foo = %bar; print "$foo{abc} $bar{def}\n"; print $ref->{xyz}; }); __END__ ("stash_variable", "\$", "foo", ["\$foo"]) ("stash_variable", "\@", "foo", ["\@foo"]) ("stash_variable_name", "\@", ["foo", 0]) ("stash_variable", "%", "foo", "%foo") ("stash_variable_name", "%", ["foo", 0]) ("stash_variable_name", "%", ["main::ref", 0])

I showed an example of PadWalker here.