in reply to Queuing in multithread context

I try to implement the Thread::Queue module, but the provided example and the other resources I have been reading only consider a defined amount of queued tasks (when this may vary in my case).

What does that mean?

Its unclear what your diagram looks like, but I think Thread::Queue is workable like this

#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use threads stack_size => 4096; use Thread::Queue; my %serverQ; my $resultQ = Thread::Queue->new; my @workers = map { my $workQ = Thread::Queue->new; threads->create( \&Worker, $workQ, $resultQ ); } 1..10; ... while( @targets ){ ... if( my $q = $serverQ{ $host } ){ $q->enqueue( [ ## 'Foo::bar::deployRoutine', $onearg, $twoarg, $threearg , 'deployRoutine' => $targetServer, $deploySource, $deployDest, "true", ] ); ... FreeFreeWorkers( \%serverQ ); ## check empty Qs, unassociate from +a host ... $_->join for threads->list; exit( 0 ); sub Worker { my( $workQ, $resultQ ) = @_; while( defined( my $jobDesc = $workQ->dequeue ) ) { my( $package, $function, @args ) = @$jobDesc; require Module::Load; Module::Load::load( $package ); $resultQ->enqueue( [ $function->( @args ) ] ); } return; }