Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Below is my code. It runs a backup program from a pTk GUI. My problem is at the 'system($cmd)' statement. The command gets executed before the message gets displayed in the text widget.

I want a message that tells * is being done, then when the process is done a message that says * is done along with relevant error codes.

Is there a better way to do this? And why are the messages displayed at the wrong time?

my @cmd = ""; push (@cmd , $prog_args , $fullf +ile2 , "/" ); my $cmd2 = join " " , @cmd +; $text -> delete ('1.0' , 'end' ); $text -> insert ('end' , "\n" ); $text -> insert ('end' , "THIS +OPERATION SHOULD TAKE 5 min. to 15 min. \n ", 'highlite' ); my $exit_status = system( +$cmd2 ); print "\$exit_statu +s at L1447 =: $exit_status\n"; if ( 0 == $exit_sta +tus ) { $text -> insert ('end' , "\n\n" ); $text -> insert ('end' , "DONE! \n", 'h +ighlite' ); }