in reply to Re: DBI DBD::SQLite unable to open Firefox cookies.sqlite database
in thread DBI DBD::SQLite unable to open Firefox cookies.sqlite database

Ah ah ah Corion what a shame from my part :)

I modified the code but it fails anyway with empty var (both cookiesTEST.sqlite and cookies.sqlite tested) so it access the DB but still fails reading it

use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use DBI; use DBD::SQLite; my $db = $ENV{AppData}.'\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\nwk2oixj.default-rel +ease\cookiesTEST.sqlite'; die "DB file not found!" unless -e $db; print "sqlite DBD version: $DBD::SQLite::sqlite_version\n"; my $dsn = qq(dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db); my $user; my $password; my %dbi_options = ( RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, sqlite_open_flags => 'SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY', ); my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password, \%dbi_options); my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q(SELECT * FROM moz_cookies )); $sth->execute(); # PS added this and it works :) print Dumper $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); __END__ sqlite DBD version: 3.39.4 $VAR1 = [];


PS ..obviously executing the statement helps :) thanks 1nickt++

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