Hermano23 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello again, I was wondering if there was an "accepted" style for what I'm doing here. I have a web app that is tracking issue tickets that I wrote about two years ago. I've been looking at it and am pretty unhappy with some of the decisions I made.

One of these decisions was to use ~10 small scripts for the UI to interact with. Things like adding, deleting, changing order, and informing users of changes each have a separate small script that is run on clicking a button or link. This made sense to me, in a C++ sort of way, but now I'm wondering if a single script would be viewed as the clearer approach. I suppose this is more of a software design question, but I'm having a tough time finding clear Perl style guidelines for this dilemma. I already have a couple of modules with major functions in them, but for execution what would you monks recommend, a larger script with control statements or several smaller scripts like I'm using now?