tbsky has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I try to write windows service with win32::daemon. but I found the service will leak memory after running for long time.

it is caused by the callback event. the more callback is called, the more memory leaked.

I tried active perl and strawberry perl 5.18/5.22 64bit/32bit under winxp,win7,2008R2 but the situation is the same. 64bit is better but it still happen. I strip the code below to a "memory-leak" service. and tune the callback frequency to 30 ms to speed up the leak. so you can see leak after minutes/hours. hope someone can find out why this happened.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Win32::Daemon; use Getopt::Long; my @cmd = @ARGV; my ($opt_g,$opt_h,$opt_i,$opt_r); if (! GetOptions('g=s' =>\$opt_g, 'h' => \$opt_h, 'i' => \$opt_i, 'r' +=>\$opt_r)){ print "command line wrong !!!\n"; exit(1); } if ($opt_h or ! @cmd){ print <<EOF; Usage: memory-leak [options] test perl service memory-leak -i install memory-leak Service -r remove memory-leak Service -h help message -g (internal use only) EOF exit(0); } # get program name our $fn = Win32::GetFullPathName($0); our ($cwd,$bn,$ext) = ($fn =~ /^(.*\\)(.*)\.(.*)$/ )[0..2]; if ($opt_i){ # install service # Determine service's path to executable based on file extension my ($path,$parameters); if ($ext eq "pl"){ # Source perl script - invoke perl interpreter $path = "\"$^X\""; # The command includes the -g go switch needed to enter servic +e mode $parameters = "\"$fn\" -g go"; }elsif ($ext eq "exe"){ # Compiled perl script - invoke the compiled script $path = "\"$fn\""; $parameters = "-g go"; }else{ # Invalid file type? print "Can not install service for $fn,file extension $ext not + supported\n"; exit(1); } # Populate the service configuration hash my %srv_config = ( name => "memory-leak", display => "memory-leak", path => $path, description => "memory-leak", parameters => $parameters, service_type => SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, start_type => SERVICE_AUTO_START ); # Install the service if (Win32::Daemon::CreateService(\%srv_config)){ print "memory-leak Service installed successfully\n"; }else{ print "Failed to install service: $!\n"; exit(1); } }elsif ($opt_r){ # remove service if (Win32::Daemon::DeleteService("memory-leak")){ print "memory-leak Service uninstalled successfully\n"; }else{ print "Failed to uninstall service: $!\n"; exit(1); } }elsif ($opt_g eq "go"){ Win32::Daemon::AcceptedControls(SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCE +PT_SHUTDOWN); sleep(1); Win32::Daemon::RegisterCallbacks({ start => \&callback_start, timer => \&callback_running, stop => \&callback_stop, }) or die("register callback faild"); my $freq = 30; my %context = ( last_state => SERVICE_STOPPED, start_time => time(), ); Win32::Daemon::StartService(\%context,$freq); }else{ print "No valid options passed - nothing done\n"; } exit(0); sub callback_start{ my ($event,$context) = @_; $context->{last_state} = SERVICE_RUNNING; Win32::Daemon::State(SERVICE_RUNNING); return(SERVICE_RUNNING); } sub callback_running{ my ($event,$context) = @_; if ( SERVICE_CONTROL_TIMER == Win32::Daemon::State()){ } } sub callback_stop{ Win32::Daemon::State(SERVICE_STOPPED); sleep(2); Win32::Daemon::StopService(); return(SERVICE_STOPPED); }