in reply to Re^2: Proper way to create packages and re-usable code?
in thread Proper way to create packages and re-usable code?

The following is not the proper way to modularize your code, but because you are just 'one yard before the finish line' you could use a script or Makefile to concatenate multiple files to a single program. That is easier and less error prone then the temporary "manually cut and paste" solution, that you are considering.

Assuming you have the following files:

-rw-r--r-- 1 hadri hadri 51 Feb 12 04:24 main_barack -rw-r--r-- 1 hadri hadri 63 Feb 12 04:15 my-serial-library.src -rw-r--r-- 1 hadri hadri 68 Feb 12 04:27 postlude_general.src

Your general libary routines are in my-serial-library.src and postlude_general.src. The 'main' program is the only customized part and is named after your client or location: main_barack.

With a simple Makefile you can generate your program

$ make cat my-serial-library.src main_barack postlude_general.src > serial_co

For another customer you create a new customized main and run 'make' again:

$ echo "This is for Bernie" > main_bernie $ make CLIENT=bernie cat my-serial-library.src main_bernie postlude_general.src > serial_co

The Makefile:

# -- sample Makefile CLIENT = barack NAME = serial_comm PROG_NAME = ${NAME}_${CLIENT}.pl PRELUDE = my-serial-library.src MAIN = main_${CLIENT} POSTLUDE = postlude_general.src TAR_NAME = serial-comm_${CLIENT}.tgz TAR_FILES = Makefile TAR_FILES += ${PRELUDE} ${MAIN} ${POSTLUDE} ${PROG_NAME}: ${PRELUDE} ${MAIN} ${POSTLUDE} cat ${PRELUDE} ${MAIN} ${POSTLUDE} > ${PROG_NAME} clean: rm -rf ${PROG_NAME} archive: tar cvzf ${TAR_NAME} ${TAR_FILES} # --- end of Makefile

Note: Make sure that you have a tab character (\x09, CNTRL-I or ^I) before the cat and other commands in the Makefile.Verify with 'cat -t Makefile':