leostereo has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi friends, a week ago I had to deal with this situation where a very fast consumer is feeding a slow consumer.
I posted my solution using forks wich was working fine running on a test server but when I put it to run on a production server it crashed.
Testing server is a very old box running centos 6 and production server is a Virtual machine on vmware plataform running Oracle RH ver 7.
Instead of figure out why it was running fine on one machine and crashing in the other I decided to go for a parallel solution.
Some users seggested my to read about parallel preforking so I came with these piped scripts:
./ | ./

I want to say that Im running both scripts using pipes for two reasons:
First: I can not merge them ... I don't know how to do it, so some help on this would be great.
Second: I realized that this way I can use tee command and analize both outputs.
I would like to share both scripts so you can help me to improve them or maybe to suggest other alternatives to do this task. Thanks #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket::INET::Daemon; use Proc::Daemon; use Proc::PID::File; use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); my $host = new IO::Socket::INET::Daemon( host => '', port => 7777, timeout => 20, callback => { data => \&data, }, ); $host->run; sub data { my ($io, $host) = @_; my $line = $io->getline; chomp($line); return 0 unless $line; print "$line\n"; return !0; } +: #!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; use Parallel::ForkManager; my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(10); $forks =1; while(<>){ $pm->start() and next; # Parent nexts ### my ($type, $ip, $mac, $bsid, $datecode) = split(',', $_); $cpe=$ip; $mac=~s/-//g; $community='public'; $snmp_rssi = '.'; $output=qx(snmpwalk -v2c -t1 -c $community $cpe $snmp_rssi + 2>&1); #this is the task that delays the consumer process. if( $output eq "Timeout: No Response from $ip" ) { $rssi=0; $error='SNMP not responding. Upgrade firmware'; } else { @result=split(/:/,$output); $rssi=$result[3]; $rssi=~s/ //g; $rssi=~s/\n//g; if($rssi < -100) { $rssi=$rssi/100; } $rssi=int($rssi); } $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=cpe_info;host=;por +t=3306","account_process","neting.!"); $query = "INSERT INTO cpe_info(mac,ip,bsid,rssi) VALUES". "('$mac','$ip','$bsid','$rssi')". "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ip='$ip',bsid='$bsid',rssi='$rssi'"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); $dbh->disconnect(); print "we are on fork number $forks\n"; $forks++; ### $pm->finish(); }

Last comment: I was also trying to print the fork number a the end of the consumer script. I did not get the expected output since all the lines prints "1" but I accidentally realized that it was the correct out since it is running on a different process. So other goal for me is to learn how can I get the forks number. Regards.