in reply to Perl6: react/whenever timeout

Concurrency is not my big strength, so this will likely turn out to be a bit more clunky than necessary.

One possible trick is to use the Promise.anyof combinator to get the first of the timeout or the actual receiving action:

my $c = channel("Message"); say "Listening"; loop { my $timeout =; my $result = start { $c.receive } my $combined = Promise.anyof( $result , $timeout); await $combined.then({ if $result { say $result.result; } else { say 'timeout'; } }) }

This puts a timeout on every individual .receive, but finishes early if a value is available earlier. It's also not a busy loop, so doesn't use much CPU.

I'm sure there are much more elegant solutions out there if you use a supply instead of a channel to generate the values; maybe some of the promise combinators like zip-latest can be used then.