I tend to use perl one-liners extensively, mostly for testing purposes. In particular, I often load a module with a loooooooooong name only to instantiate it once. And it's boooooooring to type the whole name twice.

So I came up with an idea of a one-liner shortener along the lines of:

perl -we 'use new qw(My::Very::Long::Module x foo 42); print $x->get_f +oo;'
Which is a rough equivalent of
perl -we 'use My::Very::Long::Module; our $x = My::Very::Long::Module- +>new( foo => 42 ); print $x->get_foo;'

And I have a proof-of-concept implementation that works as follows:

Here it is.

package new; use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME new - shorted require Foo; Foo->new(...) to just one call =head1 SYNOPSYS use new qw(My::Very::Long::Module x foo 42); is an exact equivalent of our $x; BEGIN { require My::Very::Long::Module; $x = My::Very::Long::Module->new( foo => 42 ); }; or a rough equivalent of use My::Very::Long::Module; our $x = My::Very::Long::Module->new( foo => 42 ); Not a big deal in a real program, but may save some typing in a one-liner test script. Works well under C<use strict;>. =cut $Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++; sub import { my ($self, $target, $name, @args) = @_; my $filename = $target; $filename =~ s#::#/#g; $filename .= ".pm"; require $filename; my $obj = $target->new( @args ); my $caller = caller; $name ||= 'new'; my $sym = join "::", $caller, $name; no strict qw(refs vars); *$sym = \$$sym; $$sym = $obj; }; 1;

Made purely for fun, but maybe there's some point in it after all.

UPDATE Available as gist.