Respected Monks,

Starting with MCE 1.828 and MCE::Shared 1.825, running MCE with Prima is possible. The following is based on the Tk + MCE::Hobo demonstration (2nd example in the post). I tested Prima + MCE on Linux using CentOS 7.x and Windows with Strawberry Perl 5.22.x.

use strict; use warnings; use MCE::Hobo; use MCE::Shared; use Prima qw( Application Buttons Label ); my $que = MCE::Shared->queue(); my $msg = MCE::Shared->scalar("Start"); my $hobo = MCE::Hobo->create("bg_task"); my $wm = Prima::MainWindow->new( size => [ 250, 200 ], text => 'Hello world!', onDestroy => \&quit ); my $lbl1 = Prima::Label->create( owner => $wm, size => [ 220, 50 ], text => 'Prima + MCE Demo', alignment => ta::Center, valignment => ta::Middle, pack => {} ); my $btn1 = Prima::Button->new( owner => $wm, size => [ 120, 50 ], text => $msg->get, onClick => \&fun, pack => {} ); my $btn2 = Prima::Button->new( owner => $wm, size => [ 120, 50 ], text => 'Quit', onClick => sub { $::application->close }, pack => {} ); my $timer = Prima::Timer->create( timeout => 100, onTick => sub { my $new_text = $msg->get; if ($new_text ne $btn1->text) { $btn1->set( text => $msg->get ); } } ); $timer->start; run Prima; sub fun { $que->enqueue("some event"); return; } sub quit { $timer->stop; $hobo->exit->join; $::application->close; } sub bg_task { while ( my $event = $que->dequeue ) { $msg->set("Step One"); sleep 1; $msg->set("Step Two"); sleep 1; $msg->set("Step Three"); } }

So that the quit function isn't called twice, I'm only calling $::application->close inside the Quit handler. That closes the window which then triggers the MainWindow's onDestroy handler.

Regards, Mario

Update: Updated the timer handler. Thanks zentara.

Update: On the Mac, mouse clicks between windows is greatly improved by setting an option in XQuartz -> Preferences -> Windows -> Click-through Inactive Windows. When enabled, clicking on an inactive window will cause that mouse click to pass through to that window in addition to activating it.

Update: To improve performance on the Mac, set XQuartz -> Preferences -> Output -> Colors to Thousands. Then relaunch XQuartz for the option to take effect. Prima for the most part runs very well. Thank you, Dmitry.